GB News

No they have introduced the hybrid petrol / electric model... the fully petrol is withdrawn... still fact light as ever so reassuring.

No, no. They have announced their INTENT to introduce it 18 months. The 500e is built in the Mirafiori plant in Turin, and a job-guarantee contract runs out in December. Stellantis also has disastrous sales figures with Jeep, Dodge and Ram in the USA down to very poor quality, a disastrous pricing policy thnking that they could sell everythying at a premium price and belief that everything el;ectric would fly out of the door. Tavares has been loudly proclaiming that brands could disappear if they are not profitable, so it's very hard to believe he could justify subsidising a factory running at 20% of its budgeted output*, but it's equally diffficult to see how he could convince the board to close such an iconic factory - Fiat's HQ.

" Initially scheduled for production of 100,000 units a year, the little electric city car is only expected to reach than an all-time low in 2024. According to forecasts by the Italian trade union FIOM-CGIL, only 20,000 units are expected to roll off the production lines at Stellantis' Mirafiori plant in Turin."


When the government decide that we will all be switching to EVs they will simply increase fuel duty to a level where no-one can afford to run an ICE vehicle.
"Simply" he says !. Perhaps you can simply tell us then how the government will replace the £ 20 Bn+ loss in petrol duy and VAT: that equals 4p on income-tax. I think they would would want to keep the cost in the same sector and simply switch it to EV's: after all , production of ICE has a ban date of 2035 anyway .
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When the government decide that we will all be switching to EVs they will simply increase fuel duty to a level where no-one can afford to run an ICE vehicle.
No I dont think that will be the case

the govt will have to increase the tax on EVs
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"Simply" he says !. Perhaps you can simply tell us then how the government will replace the £ 20 Bn+ loss in petrol duy and VAT: that equals 4p on income-tax. I think they would would want to keep the cost in the same sector and simply switch it to EV's: after all , production of ICE has a ban date of 2035 anyway .

They're already looking at road pricing. That's almost certainly going to happen. Plus, of course, £190 "road" tax on EVs from next year. Of all the things that keep me awake at night worrying about, ways for governments to raise taxes really isn't one of them! They're pretty good at that! :ROFLMAO: The only thing I'm reasonably confident of, is that there will always be a higher tax burden on ICEs to encourage the transition away from fossil fuels. What form that takes (VED, fuel duty, LEZ and ULEZ charges, pay-per-mile, etc), is anybody's guess, but we probably ought to be grateful to those opposing the introduction of EVs, because the longer they dig their heels in, the longer our tax breaks will last!;)
"Sept 2023

Tax levels in the UK are at their highest since records began 70 years ago - and are unlikely to come down, a leading think tank says.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) forecasts taxes will amount to about 37% of national income by the next general election, due in 2024."

"Next year, the government will collect upwards of £100bn more in tax compared to pre-2019 levels, the IFS says.

This is not a direct consequence of the coronavirus pandemic, when government spending surged to keep the economy afloat, the think tank argues."
The last sentence deserves grounded argument and not simply an assertion. Clearly COVID had a massive impact: national debt as a percentage of GDP rose by 10% and the state will therefore be paying billions more in interest payments. You can then add to that the billions ( up to £ 10 Bn ? ) that illegal immigrants cost the country, plus the unprecedented number of people claiming health benefits post-Covid and this adds up to a massive debt to finance and all three elements will be very difficult to reduce.
I'll just be able to say that they weren't a real Labour government...

Unfortunately I think they may actually be Labour/socialist. Impoverishing everyone but union paymasters and members, while snouts in the trough and filling their 'donor'-funded boots.

Total hypocrites the lot of them!

And another

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:ROFLMAO: I'll have to remember that excuse! Anything bad this government does, I'll just be able to say that they weren't a real Labour government...;)

Notch has already just used that excuse about Labour.

Notch said -"UK hasnt had anything remotely like a socialist government since the 70s and not even then really"

Surely you remember? You did thank him for saying it! :rolleyes::LOL:
Total hypocrites the lot of them!

And another

Abbott article is more than 20 years old, and the RK one, approaching 13 yrs old :ROFLMAO:
I'm sure Regan will be pleased that private schools will be paying some VAT in future.
:ROFLMAO: I'll have to remember that excuse! Anything bad this government does, I'll just be able to say that they weren't a real Labour government...;)
Yes, that has the same ring of truth as Starmer's frequent assertion that he's working-class as his father was a tool-maker, thereby smoothing over the fact that he was a tool-maker who owned and ran a factory emplying tool-makers.
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