George Galloway

28 Jan 2005
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United Kingdom
Well I though he was great, whether you agree with his everyday politics or not, yesterdays performance fell into one of the following two:

1) He was telling the truth and the US commission is trying to smear leading anti-war voices. He refused to take it lying down and went over and made his point.

2) He was lying, in which case he has got nerves of absolute steel. Compare this to when Blair lies - swivel eyes, sweating, rambling semantic arguments, pauses (or increasingly, just moving lips).

In either case, I say Good for George......
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I don't particularly like the bloke, but I can't understand what business it is of the US to make these allegations against him as a UK citizen, and even if what they say is true, I don't think he made any money, and even if he did, who cares if he took it from Saddam? :mad:

I heard a Radio 4 program about this a couple of weeks ago which seemed to be of the opinion the claims were a bit suspect - it was all 'a senior official said' or 'a group of senior officials'. If they want to allege something, come out and say it - why hide behind a wall of secrecy?

You have to wonder about something like this - the guy hasn't been charged with anything or gone on trial, but due to the media coverage, he will inevitably get treated as though he is guilty by some parties.
From what I can gather, the evidence consists of the fact that someone somewhere handed someone else a photocopied document saying 'The following people all made money from the oil-for-food programme.......Signed Saddam x" and George's name is at the bottom, at a funny angle and in a different point size to everything else.

Pretty clear cut then - No real need to get him over before passing a verdict.
George bin bad mouthing Tone ... The latter's mates are putting the muscle on him now ... I guess Georgy boy is making a big fuss, centre stage, so's he doesn't get fitted out with the old concrete overcoat....:cool: :cool:
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Exactly why should a Great British Citizen have to answer to that load of colonials.
Eddie M said:
Exactly why should a Great British Citizen have to answer to that load of colonials.
Specially when the Amercian as always bully their way though when George said "You traduced my names round the world without ever having asked me a single question, without ever having to written to me or telephone me, without contact and you call that justice?"
Typical of the obnoxious yankees, little to no evidence so jump to their conclusions and therefore they must be true. GG is lying they said, but they cant produce evidence to substantiate their original claims. Doesn't this all have a bit of a parallel with the 45 minute warning and wmd. Did they back down on that? Bunch of t055ers :evil:. Go for it George.
He never answered any of the questions. He has always supported saddam and he should be tried for treason for the way in which he said british troops should surrender and that he hoped they lost. mPeople like him we can do without. TRAITOR springs to mind :eek:
whilst i in no way agree with his politics or his stand and im firmly in the jasy camp on this one, it was nice to see someone stick two fingers up at the yanks and tear them up for arse paper in their own backyard
I am not a fan of George Galloway, I think he is an odious man who is out of touch with reality in many cases, HOWEVER, I think he is telling the truth and the way he left the US senate Comittee shell shocked was brilliant.

Tony "The Weasel" Bliar should take a leaf out of Georges book and tell that other George where to stick his policies, friendship and advice, as none are currently required.

I admire GG for going over there and faciong these people, they are scum. As he said they convicted him without proper process or evidence, then announced it to the Public. I'll lay odds that the Labour Party had a hand in the shinanegans the devious anchors.
It seems to me that this committee's conclusions were designed to give people the idea that anyone prominently anti-war was somehow in the pay of Saddam. After getting their own list (a Frenchman, some Russians etc.), they probably asked Tony if there was anyone he wanted stuck on as well, and in went George. I disagree with much of what he says too, but there is no reason for him to take this lying down......
Ah but ! What if old Saddam is doing a bit of bargaining whilst wearing the very latest chemmy thumb screws ? ....

What if evidence, concocted or otherwise will be produced ??
I wonder what the US has up it's sleeve ? ... If anything, other than a 'kin great bicep, with a globe encircling arm
:mad: :eek:
If George Galloway has benefitted financially from Saddam or Oil, then he must be the cheapest bribe in Human History, a report on the News said that GG only has £42K in his Bank account and that all of this is easily accounted for, he owns a modest house with a modest mortgage and nothing he does would give the impression he is living beyond his means.

His trip the US was paid for by supporters as have many of his foriegn trips.
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