George Galloway

I heard on the TV on last night that Abi Titmuss has a column in the mens mag Nuts and that pays £125k/ year. Wish I had a job like that - couple of hours a week?
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Do we believe the media that she sells enough paper to justify the fees paid ? Or is it all self regenerating bullsh ite ... Really makes you wonder aboutit( ;) ) all !!
We're getting off Gorgeous George a bit here, but I've often wondered the same about Jade Goody - People often talk about her having earnt millions after Big Brother, but I've never actually seen her do anything you would get paid money for .

Regarding Abi though, I quite like her because the easiest thing in the world for her would've been to make up some story about John Leslie, sell him down the river and make a bucketload, but she has always stuck by him.

I used to think the same about Amanda Holden - she would often be interviewed and the interviewer would try to lead her round to saying that Les Dennis was a bit of a ****, but she never rose to it (before she started shagging Morrissey, obviously). Same for Debbie McGee too......
Getting off on gorgeous George .... That's a new'un don't let Abi hear that !! :D :D :D :D
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"I heard on the TV on last night that Abi Titmuss has a column in the mens mag Nuts and that pays £125k/ year. Wish I had a job like that - couple of hours a week?"

btw its a Ghost writer , she never submits a thing , its a release for the mag to write what they want ,+most of these have release forms where the supposed writer has approval of copy
i think this guy should be the next prime minister even tho he is a lying toe rag or bnp will get my vote next time
One interesting bit what how the senate committe behaved. After all this fuss and demanding George come and face them (though not actually having asked him to), they all scarpered when he did.

I don't know how many there are supposed to be on this committee, but only four turned up at the start. Then two of those disappeared after he started talking. Perhaps they thought it would not do their careers any good to be publicly ridiculed. That left only two, one of whom was the opposition member and pretty much on Georges side anyway.

You get the idea they thought he was telling the truth.
i think the senate committe, might have heard of that old buffer lord halifax, who was wont to say..

"Nothing has an uglier look to us than reason, when it is not on our side"

although i prefer

mind over matter....

what is matter.
what is matter....never mind.

At the end of the day galloway does not deserve a british passport after his statements before, during and after the last gulf war. he is a leech on british society. We are paying his WAGES!!! So.d freedom of speech his statements are and were treasonable!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
But what was treason about suggesting soldiers shouldn't fight ? there was no danger to Britain if they had and there was still a large question mark over whether the soldiers could be charge over just taking part. He expressed an opinion - everyone ignored it anyway. No problem....

Its good to have someone to put these points of view, even if you vigorously disagree with them, as at least it stimulates debate and should make you consider why you think the way you do. Its the same with the BNP - let them have their say and then prove them wrong, rather than just try to shut them up.
Jasy, you're talking rot. Galloway told British soldiers to stop fighting, because he said they were fighting in an illegal war which would, at least theoretically, leave them open to criminal prosecution.

And guess what? He was right. It WAS illegal.

It's a perverse world where someone calls for an end to illegal killing, and is then called a traitor.

Look beyond the lies, mate. It's liberating.
Head of the british army demanded that the prime minister give him a cast iron legal opinion otherwise he would refuse to go to war. As far as I know Blair only gave him the short version, with all the 'buts' and 'howevers' and risk of charges left out.

It did sound as though the army was of a similar mind to Galloway and did not want to be involved in something dodgy.
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