German military

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Top secret discussion about long range missiles has been intercepted by the Russians

The 38 min meeting was recorded by the Russians

Loose canons and un reliable full of Russian spies. ??
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Trump talking to his pal Pootin?
Dunno pretty certain conversation was in German and doubt Trump is schooled in German

Although dare say if trump knew about it he might well pass it on to his mate poo tin ??
Top secret discussion about long range missiles has been intercepted by the Russians

The 38 min meeting was recorded by the Russians

Loose canons and un reliable full of Russian spies. ??

Discussion was about supplying long range missile to the Ukraine to take out that bridge in the crimea

Russians have demanded an explanation from the Germans over the caper ??
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so basically proof that NATO is directly interfering in this war
It appears the recording from the Russians came from an unauthorized non secure video conference app. The fact that the German Military used an open unauthorized app rather than the official secure one is more of a problem than the information leaked.
The German military don't seem very professional. But maybe that's on purpose. They probably don't want to scare the neighbours.
Top secret discussion about long range missiles has been intercepted by the Russians

The 38 min meeting was recorded by the Russians

Loose canons and un reliable full of Russian spies. ??

Did I hear somewhere recently German soldiers were practising with wooden toy guns because they didn't have enough to go around? Or was that us?
A reminder that Iran and North Korea are arming Russia. You've got to wonder if the usual Putin apologists are also fine with being on the same side as Iran?
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