My mum is 88, her sight is all shot, hearing almost none existent, suffers from Parkinson's. Bless her she still has her driving licence and dries every day!
My mum is 88, her sight is all shot, hearing almost none existent, suffers from Parkinson's. Bless her she still has her driving licence and dries every day!
obmcfc said:my aunt is 81 and flies to Scotland and Canada from Northern Ireland every year on her own --
obmcfc said:my aunt is 81 and flies to Scotland and Canada from Northern Ireland every year on her own --
Wow! That's pretty old to have a pilot's license.
obmcfc said:my aunt is 81 and flies to Scotland and Canada from Northern Ireland every year on her own --
Wow! That's pretty old to have a pilot's license.
I instantly had a mental image of her wearing Biggles scarf and goggles whilst standing on the ridge of the roof flapping her arms!
Many happy returns50 today.........on the bright side a great excuse for a shindig
71 this year and pleased to say I can spell and punctuate better than many school leavers. Smoked for 45 years (gave up 10years ago) and still have a double Bacardi every night. So, you 50 somethings, keep active in mind and body and sbove all DONT GIVE UP.