Goodnight Iran.

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Israel punches above its weight because it is supported by powerful allies.
It is the cutting edge of Anglo American policy in the region.
Its the same with Ukraine, without outside support these states would collapse.

Sounds like most of Western Europe in Nato ?

With out US back up nato / Europe don’t amount to a bag of beans ?
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Indeed, Trump argued for Europe to 'pony up' their dues for Nato membership. Russia came calling and lo and behold, the meek obeyed The Donald.

It would have been rather stupid not to.
Think a bit further too.

All trump wanted was money for usa arms firms. Not standing by Europe.

Look at his stance on Ukraine.

Why do you always have such a blinkered view of everything?
I said it on the 8th of Oct last year - and what I said still holds true

What still holds true is Israel has spent decades stealing Palestinian land

West Bank?
thats what happens when you allow mass uncontrolled migration - we should be careful here.
As you've drawn the comparison between Israel and UK - the mass immigration to Israel are Jews from around the world.
Thus the similar scenario for UK would be all ex-pats around the world, and their offspring for the last thousands of years, irrespective of where they were born, but because they have a tenuous link to one great great grand parent who may have been English, (but records didn't exist then), being allowed to migrate to UK.
And there is so many of them that the UK invades Ireland, dispossesses all the Irish, kills them if necessary, and drives any survivors out of Ireland to create English settlements.

There would be a problem of course, because all those with English ancestry, in USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Caribbean, South America, Canada, etc would all have a right to come and settle in the UK, as long as they could claim some tenuous family connection to a British person way back in the doomsday book. I doubt if just Ireland would suffice, so UK would have to go on a great expansion, through violence, to colonise additional land. Any "white British" migrants would be allowed, in addition, to retain their 'other' passport, property, possessions, financial links to their 'adopted country.
Do you understand how inherently and aggressively racist that policy would be?
But it is the policy of Israel.
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Oh this is so right what he's saying, does somewhat go against the grain of the 'casualties of war' in his own country but hey i agree with the sentiment that goes to alot of leaders right now, but especially Iran in fact any country led by a smeggy looking peado perve that hides behind such story time cr@p like 'Because our god says it is so and i am the messenger' Bullsh't to control the masses, opress women etc. How fcked up is that.

This message should be sent to all tyrants currently overspending on attempting to create war. They all should be made to stand up and justify their actions. Yes you Putin too.

Not as simple as this i know but.. its a start.
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