Goodnight Iran.

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This Jewish Israeli has seen what happens

Sponsored Links long as they have the financial backing of most of the western world - yes. Remember South Vietnam? They became capable of slaughtering millions of civilians, once the good ole USA got involved.

The north and VC were also responsible for a good few civilian deaths

Dare say most or a good many of the civilians killed were via US air power

Also there massive chemical attack on Vietnam people are probably still dieing from that now ?

Also due to the secret / clandestine bombing of Cambodia it resulted in the rise of Pol Pot
Who slaughtered 2 million (?) Cambodians
( the killing fields)

We work for a survivor of that episode she escaped with her 2 daughters she wrote a book on her escape
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Yep, the evil terrorists, hamas..
People of occupied territories have a fundamental right to resist that occupation.
Palestinians have a recognized right under international law to resist Israeli occupation under Protocol of the Geneva Conventions This right is affirmed in the context of the right of self-determination of all peoples under foreign and colonial rule.
Very easy pummeling countries without an air force and air defence systems.
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No time to sit on the fence

There will be a confrontation with the mad mullers in Tehran if not immanent
It will
Certainly occur in the future ;)

The Ayatollah has been moved from his palace to a secret safe place. IDF massing troops and tanks on the Lebanon border. I doubt we'll have to wait long for news.
The Ayatollah has been moved from his palace to a secret safe place. IDF massing troops and tanks on the Lebanon border. I doubt we'll have to wait long for news.

Yeah and the leadership are probably checking that there over seas bank accounts are topped up ?? With the billions that they have fiddled and stolen out of the country ??
The mullers love a martyr.

Well all
Going well the mad mullers will have plenty to mourn over ???

If it kicks off with Iran the mad mullers will need to worry about getting lynched by there own population ????
They arent though....Israel is fighting evil. Terrorism. A people who want to exterminate the Jews.
You're thinking of 1940's Germany.

Israel, however, is exterminating and dispossessing Palestinians.

Is genocide something you disapprove of?
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