Government meddling?

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
Smokers and boozers have long been the target of government initiatives in their plight to encourage people to kick the habit and rightly so.

Now fatties have become their latest target.
Link dud

Smoking and obesity cost nations billions but are supermarkets going too far in dictating how people should eat?

Nanny state?

Determined lard munchers will just find a way of getting their fix irrespective of supermarket meddling, so why not encourage a healthier life style in the form of exercise?

Or is this just as daunting as being force fed healthy food.

I would be more inclined to install mirrors in the homes of fat people.
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How about a tax on miserable opinionated holier than thou folk, that would rake a fortune in.
Fat people should be forced to take out extra medical insurance, or be billed by the NHS for treatment.
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Fat people should be forced to take out extra medical insurance, or be billed by the NHS for treatment.
So should smokers, drinkers, car drivers, anyone involved in motor sport, motorcyclists, cyclists, people who ski, people who play football, rugby players, climbers, people who go abroad in case they get exotic diseases, diy-ers, anyone with a job where they could get hurt or have their health damaged, or anyone who does anything with sharp pointy objects. We can add to the list as needed. . . :)
Yes. I agree, The user should pay. Time to scrap the NHS and go for private insurance.
Yes. I agree, The user should pay. Time to scrap the NHS and go for private insurance.
I'm seriously inclined to agree. The NHS seems to be a bottomless pit to drop money into. Also from what I've heard from a friend's recent stay in hospital, standards continue to slide. Perhaps it would be better to have the state out of the hospital game altogether, and just have them pay for insurance for basic private care for those who need it. Two tier systems never work properly.
It would also put an end to NHS tourism.
The biggest problem, is the relatively new "accepting people for who they are" crap that has come over from america. You only have to look at facebook to see slogans like 'real women have curves' all over the place and this just encourages people to put their head in the sands and convince themselves their eating habits are normal.

When being fat was looked down upon and ridiculed, there was a lot less obesity and imo that's the best thing to tackle it.
There are though, an awful lot of fat people in Britain.

As Cajar has pointed out, the fatter a nation gets, the more acceptable it is to be fat.
The problem is where to draw the line.

"Oh, I'm only two stone over-weight, I'll soon shift it". Then three stone, then four stone. Some people do not know when to stop eating and deffo need to be told.

Parents give in too easily to their children too I've noticed. Some ought to be in prison for letting their sprogs get too fat.
Gluttony is abhorrent.
A report in the Daily Mail (yes, my favoured newspaper :D ) today points out that the government's intention to charge health tourists £200 is laughable. It's much cheaper than taking out travellers' health insurance.
Never mind 'meddling', our incomparable government really can't get anything right these days.
Yes. I agree, The user should pay. Time to scrap the NHS and go for private insurance.

what i dont understand is,
how we have to pay for prescriptions in england and other areas do not.
parking at hospitals in england other areas do not.

we now have to pay for everything,about 20 odd years ago,dentistry had a limit of £150 on treatment,thats now pay as much as they deem fit.

what are we paying a portion of our national insurance for?

when as others have already said others on holiday can get treatment F.O.C
Fat people should be forced to take out extra medical insurance, or be billed by the NHS for treatment.
So should smokers, drinkers, car drivers, anyone involved in motor sport, motorcyclists, cyclists, people who ski, people who play football, rugby players, climbers, people who go abroad in case they get exotic diseases, diy-ers, anyone with a job where they could get hurt or have their health damaged, or anyone who does anything with sharp pointy objects. We can add to the list as needed. . . :)

Hold on a minute, why should people who sustain sports injuries have free medical treatment? Perhaps they should be required to pay a contribution towards it.
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