I looked it up myself not long ago, the AGP board will workm but throttle itself back to whatever the motherboard can support, if the m/b is AGP2x max, that's all you will get, but the board probably has lots of memory and processing power so will make an improvement.
If you want to speed up your PC, extra memory wil make a bigger difference than anything else.
But try not to fall into the trap of spending heaps of money souping up your old machine, and it's still a Morris Minor with go-faster stripes when you could have bought something newer.
But try not to fall into the trap of spending heaps of money souping up your old machine, and it's still a Morris Minor with go-faster stripes when you could have bought something newer.
I couldn't agree more. To be honest, I wouldn't even have bothered with a new graphics card unless the old one had died and the machine was only used for surfing.