Where a service or sub-service is installed to a shippon, greenhouse, milking parlour or similar outbuilding, where persons or animals could be subjected to a difference in potential between say a wet floor and bonded metalwork, it may be impracticable to bond all extraneous conductive parts in that installation to the PME terminal or to include an earthed metal grid in the floor screed. The following steps shall be taken.
(a) The outbuilding wiring shall be connected to an independent earth
electrode, installed outside the influence zone of the PME earthing
system and protected by a RCD.
(b) The product of the rated residual operating current of the RCD and the
associated earth electrode resistance shall not exceed 50V, although
where cattle or similar livestock are present a lower value is preferable.
(c) In order to keep the earthing systems separate, it is essential that any
earth conductor, sheath and armouring of the subservice shall not be
connected to the remote building earth system. Such conductors shall be
double insulated anywhere where they may be exposed within the remote
building. In addition any common metalwork such as piping between the
main and remote buildings shall contain insulating inserts. These inserts
shall be in free air at the point of entry into the remote building, with the
remote building side bonded to the independent earth electrode.
The metalwork on one side of the insert shall be double insulated
anywhere where it comes in such proximity to any metalwork on the
other side of the insert, such that both may be touched simultaneously.
(d) Where the provisions of (c) above apply, a minimum 300mm insert shall be used for pipes of up to 25mm diameter, and proportionally longer
inserts for larger diameter pipes. A longer insert may remove the need
for double insulation.
(e) Pipes and metalwork of outbuildings without an electricity installation
shall be similarly segregated from metalwork connected to the earthing
terminal as described in (c) and (d) above.