Greenpeace: Arctic 30

Fear of the unknown. That's why people criticise nuclear power.
I'm afraid it's fear of the known...or do you deny the related radiation issue?

Exactly my point. Fear of the unknown.

Perhaps if you read up on background radiation you'd be afraid to live in Aberdeen or Cornwall, and if you knew more about cosmic rays you'd be afraid to travel on an international flight. Both of these examples of naturally occurring ionising radiation would result in your receiving a larger radiation dose than you do from nuclear power stations, at least in the Western world.
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Fear of the unknown. That's why people criticise nuclear power.
I'm afraid it's fear of the known...or do you deny the related radiation issue?

Exactly my point. Fear of the unknown.

Perhaps if you read up on background radiation you'd be afraid to live in Aberdeen or Cornwall, and if you knew more about cosmic rays you'd be afraid to travel on an international flight. Both of these examples of naturally occurring ionising radiation would result in your receiving a larger radiation dose than you do from nuclear power stations, at least in the Western world.

You can't protect them from natural disasters, terrorist attack or some fool pressing the wrong button.

Fukushima =100% core meltdown in all three reactors.
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nuclear power is the best technology we have for mass power generation. its not the easy populates position but it is the rational responsible position.

the idea that any radiation level does you harm is total nonsense. it like saying you can drown in a drop of water. our body have evolved to deal with radiation.

what happened in Japan was very serious. but we could have a Fukushima level event every 20 years and nuclear power would still be the best solution.

the issue simply boils down to energy density. for 7 billion people you going to have to burn a **** load of coal, oil, gas which has done and will huge environmental damage and that is completely forgetting if globe warming is man made or not. simply does not give us reliability of supply or energy density to supply the worlds energy needs.

nuclear even with all is known issues is still our best hope.
but we could have a Fukushima level event every 20 years and nuclear power would still be the best solution

Complete nonsense.
Fukushima is unprecedented and the scale of damage is being supressed by the authorities.
but we could have a Fukushima level event every 20 years and nuclear power would still be the best solution

Complete nonsense.
Fukushima is unprecedented and the scale of damage is being supressed by the authorities.


Sorry, believable evidence?
but we could have a Fukushima level event every 20 years and nuclear power would still be the best solution

Complete nonsense.
Fukushima is unprecedented and the scale of damage is being supressed by the authorities.


Sorry, believable evidence?

When you're lying on the ground in agony dying from cancer you'll have the evidence.

The Japanese authorities have lied , lied about the lies and then lied again about the lies about the lies. Wake up man.

You think its all fine and dandy just because its not on the news don't you?
You think its all fine and dandy just because its not on the news don't you?

This it no different to your stance who thinks it is NOT fine and dandy based on own your irrational fears and the comments of some pressure groups.

How do you KNOW the government is lying and how do you know the pressure groups are not? How can one be credited and the other discredited?

Is a news paper or TV channel really the only way someone can form an opinion?

but we could have a Fukushima level event every 20 years and nuclear power would still be the best solution

Complete nonsense.
Fukushima is unprecedented and the scale of damage is being supressed by the authorities.


Sorry, believable evidence?

When you're lying on the ground in agony dying from cancer you'll have the evidence.

The Japanese authorities have lied , lied about the lies and then lied again about the lies about the lies. Wake up man.

You think its all fine and dandy just because its not on the news don't you?

Well I'm still waiting for some evidence.

I know. God told you.
Panic much?

The irony here is the fear of radiation does more harm then the radiation its self.

Your fears are being manipulated and amplified by the media you are reading and watching. What is happening in Japan is serious but not a crisis. Its not the end times...
I'd just like to set the matter straight about the ionising radiation sources to which we are all exposed. From the National Physical Laboratory web site:

Radiation received from the nuclear power industry would form part of the 'other sources' segment.

Now please stop panicking!
Google wrote

This is a list of countries that have pledged to phase out nuclear power...........
•Scotland (100% renewable by 2020)

And countries which are no longer nuclear powered, or never were and have pledged to stay to that way:
•Costa Rica
•New Zealand

Nuclear power is a mistake. It’s time to move on.
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