Halal KFC...

Then as a lot of people said, you have been lied to. Halal and Kosher practices are just as humane as most non religious slaughter practices.

And extremely sharp knife, causes almost no pain. The 'meat' is treated delicately and they NEVER touch any animal that is kept in poor conditions as this would go against the rules..
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Have you ever nicked yourself on an 'extremely sharp' blade whilst shaving?.... imagine that multiplied 1000 times.. but it's not just the pain, it's the long drawn out suffocation and bleeding to death...

Why is that 'as humane' as a bolt to the brain?
The sharper the blade the less pain mate, trust me.
Where have you read this other stuff?? About pain , 1000 cuts and suffocation?

The Dhabihah is a quick almost painless (the central nervous system is not cut) slaughter and the animal is not injured in any other way...or even touched until it has died from the SINGLE incision.
The sharper the blade the less pain mate, trust me.
Where have you read this other stuff?? About pain , 1000 cuts and suffocation?

Trust you?... you've studied the subject of sharpness of killing instrument have you?
And a small nick from a very sharp razor blade really hurts... multiply that across your whole throat.....it can't be painless....

and the animal is not hurt in any other way? or touched? hung upside down? no pain or touching there then.... oh and bleeding to death? that's instant and trouble free? i don't think so. And they don't cut the windpipe? so a much nicer way to end....
They don't cut the windpipe so that the animals lives for long enough for it's heart to pump the blood out. Poor wee things.
It is common sense that a sharper blade hurts less than a blunt one!
Again, once the neck is cut it is not damaged or touched until dead.

PS ...you know that recent research has shown that use of electricity is believed to be very very highly painful for the animal right? Go check up on that before you start lecturing on Animal Welfare.
I've done site work in an abattoir and saw a skilled worker humanely 'bolt' 10 cattle in just over 30 seconds. This included moving from one stall to the next. Yes the guy was on bonus but each kill was verified as 'clean' by an inspector. You cannot get more humane than that.

And for the record, after witnessing this I came out of that shed and emptied my stomach contents on the floor outside.
Skitz i have a lot of time for your comments on here usually... but that post borders on almost patronising... :cry:

a sharp nick from a razor blade on the neck stings like hell..... but a cut from a bluntish saw (for example) on the arm.. doesn't hurt quite that much... you need a bit more science to justify your claims.

And then you tell me to check up on the use of electricity on an animal... well check back on my posts... i haven't even hinted at using electricity. I have talked about a bolt gun.

So please Skitz... don't patronise me about animal welfare without getting your facts right!
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