Harry and Meghan

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Anyone watched the 'show' yet? I CBA - just seeing the clips on the news it looks like a load of old tripe made/said just to make them money. They ****ing deserve each other. Both cut from the same cloth the money grubbing bastards. "They’re trying to 'destroy' me" she says. Nobody gives a **** about you luv. Just **** off to the obscurity that you both profess to crave. There'll be another series/book/documentary coming along later to top up the coffers. Just wait and see.

Good on the royal family for refusing to be dragged into a slanging match. Dignified, that’s what they are and the Sussexes ought to learn from it.
I’m watching it now, under duress I might add. I get peed off that if anything goes against her or her mother it is because of her race.
And, she’s a drama queen.
I'll be watching less of Megan and Harry than I have watched of the World Cup.
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Lol. All these gammon Daily Wail acolytes refusing to watch or reluctantly watching the Sussexes, but keen to blab about them on a poxy forum. She's black - get over it - move on.
"I wonder what colour the baby will be..."
Dignified my arse.
Well maybe you live in another world but when a young friend of Mrs Mottie became pregnant by her Ghanaian boyfriend, all of her mates as well as the young lady concerned were ALWAYS talking about how dark the baby would be and if you knew anyone in a similar situation you would know that discussions like that are completely normal. The mum was joking and saying she was hoping for a cappuccino baby. Absolutely no different from conversations like "will it be tall like the father or short like the mother" or "will it be dark haired like the mother or ginger haired like the father".

You wouldn’t say it to a stranger, I grant you that but are you honestly saying that if a white friend/relative of yours or your wife and a black person that you both knew were having a baby, you wouldn’t naturally talk about what colour the baby will be? Seriously? That would be very strange. Wierd even.
Well maybe you live in another world but when a young friend of Mrs Mottie became pregnant by her Ghanaian boyfriend, all of her mates as well as the young lady concerned were ALWAYS talking about how dark the baby would be and if you knew anyone in a similar situation you would know that discussions like that are completely normal. The mum was joking and saying she was hoping for a cappuccino baby. Absolutely no different from conversations like "will it be tall like the father or short like the mother" or "will it be dark haired like the mother or ginger haired like the father".

You wouldn’t say it to a stranger, I grant you that but are you honestly saying that if a white friend/relative of yours or your wife and a black person that you knew were having a baby, you wouldn’t naturally talk about what colour the baby will be? Seriously? That would be very strange. Wierd even.
Poor cop-out.
"..certain Royals voiced concern about what tone or colour the baby would be...."

Dignified my arse.
Who said that, the media whore herself? The same one who said "They were out to destroy me" Take that with a pinch of salt. She's a f'cking actress playing a part. Badly.

Her sister was right when she said what she was like but we were all fooled and didn’t believe her.
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