Harry & Paul

23 Feb 2005
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United Kingdom
New series started tonight, funniest thing I've seen in ages. If you have catch up, I recommend you, erm, catch up!
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Yeh, excellent sketch featuring the beatles, if they were still around today and had never discovered drugs. :LOL:
I will have a look out on iplayer for it, used to love some of the earlier stuff they did, didn't know they had a new show out.
Thanks for that.
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I watched it, was really funny. The Beatles sketch was genius :LOL:

It is on iPlayer to watch now

Have to add though, this is one of the funniest sketches ever from Harry Enfield
Harry and paul are brilliant.

Paul only got into telly becuase he was harry's friend who he met in a pub and made him laugh. Considering he is one of the greatest character comediennes to come from these fair isles that is a remarkable fact.

I thought paul was really good in Help, but spoilt when it turned out Langham was a pedo.

I like the first episode of H&P this season. Although the beetles one was a bit hit and miss.
Harry and paul are brilliant.

Paul only got into telly becuase he was harry's friend who he met in a pub and made him laugh. Considering he is one of the greatest character comediennes to come from these fair isles that is a remarkable fact.

Johnny Depp rates him as his favourite actor. He was a plasterer who worked alongside decorator Charlie Higson (also from the fast show) in Fry and Laurie's house. Hard to believe that someone so well spoken used to be a deccie!
Probably go it from his clients no doubt.

But seriously some who do traditional mouldings (mainly for historical restorations and insurance work) drive around in sports cars.
Just watched it, a mixed review from me, but I like the mad stuff.
Psycho Bean and looks queer, sounds queer, probably is queer! :LOL:
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