jusr a bit of an update for ya all it may help someone in futuer
Anyway had my big inspection of boiler and rad balanced using there proper gauges on each rad and flow and return just under boiler
Guess what , they got a difference of 8c on flow and return with everything on full blast , boiler readout read 6 degree difference which was as i expected as there sensors are after bypass , so thats good to know if you have a valiant boiler
after 1.5 hours in this mild weather we could not get flat above 16c thats with every window and vent shut or taped off , so now they have conclusive proof it DONT work
I supplied verbally my calculation , my heat loss calculations , the approx U vales of my construction inc U of pre 2002 windows ect un-insulated floor , quoted what Valiant had told me , the energy trust , and building research establiment , starts calcls , whole house calcs ect , and best bit fitter had stated on paperwork on day of install flow 75 return 74
They have now gone away to check there calcs
so far on my side is flats cold , TRV wide open , boiler at 75c , flow and return min they could get was 76 flow 70 return as read on boiler , at pipes just under boiler was 76/68 , and iv now conducted me own survey of 4 other flats which support my claims
again must thank D-hailsham for his advise , links which allowed me to get so much more information and to this site , iv read a lot of ya post and got information from them all
PS anyone need a heating designer LOL
Thanks Tezz