Care to show us where we have made an improvement by intervention
I don't know whether this report is correct or not.
Supposing this may be correct at least to some extent you are perfectly ok with just letting them get on with it?
It may have escaped your attention but in the last 100 years there were a couple of events in Europe where far more atrocities were carried out...
From that came a way of sorting differences out peacefully...
And although there are different opinions as to where the 'co-operation' is leading, it wasn't imposed.
The middle east has to do the same without the west telling them how to do it!
And having a quasi western bully in its midst will prolong the process until Israel also believes in a peaceful solution...
Many Countries in Asia have managed to curb barbarism and 'moderate' their approaches in the last few decades despite western fears of how it would affect us if they emerged with different ideals...
In the long run the people will win out, but all we are doing at present is keeping the pot of death stirring in order to enable vested interests to make a killing - literally and figuratively!
Having had the good fortune to have been widely travelled, I have the ability to realise that the western way of life is as despised in certain places as much as the west appears to despise their enemies...
Until the ignorance is lifted on all sides, this conflict will go on...
So if the area has to undergo turmoil in order to get whatever order it decides on then so be it!