The original idea behind "voltage operated" Earth Leakage Breakers was that if the CPC potential was more than 50 volts above ground potential the device would operate and disconnect the supply.
When the CPC was isolated from the true earth then an ELB-v coil took all the leakage current and was designed to trip when that current caused a nominal 50 volts across its coil. ( although called a voltage operated it was like all solenoid devices operated by a current flowing through it )
As has been said it is too easy for the CPC to have another path to ground that is parallel connected across the coil in the ELB-v. If the parallel path has a resistance of 1 ohm and the coil in the ELB-v requires 50 volts to operate then an earth fault current of 50 amps can flow through the parallel path before the ELB-v will see 50 volts and trip.
When the CPC was isolated from the true earth then an ELB-v coil took all the leakage current and was designed to trip when that current caused a nominal 50 volts across its coil. ( although called a voltage operated it was like all solenoid devices operated by a current flowing through it )
As has been said it is too easy for the CPC to have another path to ground that is parallel connected across the coil in the ELB-v. If the parallel path has a resistance of 1 ohm and the coil in the ELB-v requires 50 volts to operate then an earth fault current of 50 amps can flow through the parallel path before the ELB-v will see 50 volts and trip.