Ok having been out to he shops there's a Maplins 5 minutes down the road so I popped in and bought that linked capacitor whilst out, it has "LCR, MKP/SW/WF, 100nF 5% 500 VAC 13-24" written on it before I find out the Maplin guy gave me the wrong one and blow something up
It's quite big and has plenty of wire so will easily bridge from the blue wires in top 2nd from left to orange in top 3rd from right, is this ok? I can add protective sleeve on the bare wire.
And just to clarify besides hopefully stopping the boiler running permanently it will close the 3 port valve to the CH?
It's quite big and has plenty of wire so will easily bridge from the blue wires in top 2nd from left to orange in top 3rd from right, is this ok? I can add protective sleeve on the bare wire.
And just to clarify besides hopefully stopping the boiler running permanently it will close the 3 port valve to the CH?