Hmmmm Take 2

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Alarm, honestly, I have always seen you as a voice of reason.

But.... I really don't get the last post.

Is it a real story (sorry, when I type this, "real story" does not convery the appropriate level of horror")
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Yes it is real, hence I cannot get excited about the news today. As nothing was ever done.
And to be told Im a racist by a f@@kin idiot and have my replies decimated. Goes to show the mods have lost the plot when it comes to the deletions.
No. **** no. I thought we were talking about the Stephen Lawrence story.

My point, all along, was that that stephen died. And that. after many, many, years, a number of people have been brough to justice. I have no idea whether they are guilty or innocent. I do know, though, that a sh*tload of people's lives have been ruined.

Alarm; I have always respected your technical know-how on these forums.

As I type this I have checked the recent postings...
Alarm; I respect you and I would never never think you are a racist.

I have no idea how this has been presented as pseudo fact. Perhaps the GD forum should be shut down.
Yes it is real, hence I cannot get excited about the news today. As nothing was ever done.
And to be told Im a racist by a f@@kin idiot and have my replies decimated. Goes to show the mods have lost the plot when it comes to the deletions.
I just want to make clear that nothing that I have read from Alarm would suggest to me that he is a racist.

In fact, Alarm has presented hself as one of the most balanced posters on this forum.

How the hell does a forum get to this? Where are the mods?
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Just some idiot trying to ram down peoples throats how important today was. Thinking he knows every thing about justice and how important it is.
Totally cheesed me off. I had my say and kept my word and retreated from the thread to see my last post deleted and a self important one left, making the issue totally one sided.

As I said if the thread has to be locked dont be selective with the editing and leave it open ended.

Delete it.

Fairer for all.

But you can see in my experience two families suffered and far more friends and nothing was done.

Justice ehh.

Mods why not just close down both of these for fairness?
In response to the original post that started the original thread (now deleted), the fact that a program was transmitted the night of, before, or at any time during this trail has no relevance what so ever. The case has been reported on several times over the last 18 years. This is possibly the most important trial (in this case), since the murder, there's bound to be interest in the case and the outcome.

As to the 'importance' of this particular case, the reason, as I see it, is that it brought about the public inquiry that found the Metropolitan Police Force to be 'Institutionally Racist'.

The Macpherson report called the standard of command in the vital first few hours after Stephen Lawrence's murder as "abysmal". Macpherson made 70 recommendations in his report, I'd be interested to know how many of those 70 the Met chose to make.

The former Met commander Brian Paddick said some of the initial failures in the case "could have been down to people not valuing the life of a young black man than they would had he been a young white man". I think that statement speaks volumes.

Whatever your opinion of this case, it was a racially motivated murder and that murder showed up the Met for what it was at the time. I hope to god it has changed.
Well if you watched the news the one black Superintendent who helped set up the Black Police Federation says no.

But I bet the OP of the first had never watched that particular broadcast either.

And it was partially a racial thing that we had to go through then too. Blame was tried to be attributed to the black driver who died.
Funny how he never drank, smoked or took drugs. A typical stereotype ehh.
I'm thrown.
I'm pretty guilt-ridden (generally) so I'm not sure exactly what we're talking about here.

For the Stephen Lawrence case, then it's all pretty miserable.
For Alarm's case, I'm afraid I don't know which case you are talking about. But I do know that it is more than we on this forum can imagine.

I may be over-imagining this, but I do want to state that nothing that we typically engage with is as awful as the real world.

Well if you watched the news the one black Superintendent who helped set up the Black Police Federation says no.

But I bet the OP of the first had never watched that particular broadcast either.

And it was partially a racial thing that we had to go through then too. Blame was tried to be attributed to the black driver who died.
Funny how he never drank, smoked or took drugs. A typical stereotype ehh.
You'll find no argument against your point from me Alarm. However, you're an intelligent guy, you and I both know, life's just not fair sometimes, perhaps most of the time, but if this case can make a difference to how the very people who literally 'police' our land then that's one small step toward fairness.
I`m just showing that today isnt as big a deal as some think.
The problems are deep rooted, far deeper than this commission and convictions have even touched yet.
They go back further and from what i h ( i`ll stop as this could be constructed as libel).

This was IMHO too little too late for any of the victims.
I am sorry I dragged up a small piece of my past here, but I had no other way of trying to show why I felt the way I did about the earlier thread.
The disgust at the OP`s behavior and assumptions. The way the thread was handled. A general moan would have probably again be removed. Now either both will go or some sort of decent debate for a change.

Perhaps there might be a bit more sense shown now from all.
(Not aimed at the last few posters obviously)
Mods please close this thread as it has degenerated into a pathetic mutually ignorant back patting exercise.

whereby some people manage to find YET again what they think is the perfect example (amazingly) to back up their pointless point and are deliberately obtuse and in their own misguided way institutionally racist as well.

They claim not to be but their personal history of posting constantly comes back to the same theme time and time again.

See the Luis Suarez thread amongst others for example

The very fact that this thread and its previous incarnation is called the 'HMMMM' thread is appalling and smacks of the mentality of the holocaust denier,.but hey that's the kind of mindset that this forum attracts, the embittered racist/ bigot who in his imagined world of unfairness and anti whiteness sees every example of this behaviour when it is challenged as a personal insult and refuses to recognize
its significance no matter the world at large opinion that actually matters not his/their own restricted mentality and VERY CLEARLY biased and therefore bigoted opinion.

They imagine that somehow black people are getting a better deal when the FACTS show that they are clearly not.

They ignore that blacks esp males, do far worse than whites economically,.socially,educationally and in housing

Of course they blame them for this and say work or try harder but the facts remain as ironically highlighted by the lawrence case that racism is institutional and pervasive and that on average blacks face much more obstacles in life despite being alleged british citizens with EQUAL? rights

It is pointless trying to actually debate this with them as they are incapable of seeing anything apart from their blinkered viewpoint which is closed and rigid.

Actually this forum is probably doing a public service as it
allows them an environment to vent their spleens and all their bitter bile without actually having the slightest effect on said outcome and perhaps in its own way prevents them from acting out their misguided views in a more overt manner

Actually when one thinks about it, one should feel quite sorry for them as they are trapped in an imaginary limited mindset no doubt brought about socio economic reasons and maybe should be pitied for this.
How can the people in this forum give opinions on the right verdict being reached when none of them were in court to hear the evidence?
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