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I have just knocked this paper up for you, woody, to explain Relative Humidity in simple terms. I hope you like it.
Although I consider it my intellectual property, I offer it freely for anyone else to use as they see fit, or to modify it to suit their own purpose.
I know it is a little too long for those of Relative Stupidity levels, but it is fairly simple.

Relative Humidity compared to Relative Stupidity

Let us replace woody’s head for the air that we want to compare Relative Humidity. Then let us take ‘fake news and silly ideas’ as a replacement for moisture.

Now if we take woody’s head and completely empty it (it may already be completely empty, it may be full of egomania.) but we need to ensure that it is empty.

Then we take several pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’.

Now we cool woody’s head down to 7.5 ° C (it’s an arbitrary temperature but you will see why soon. Some of the more astute may be way ahead of me.)

Let us see how much ‘fake news and silly ideas’ we can cram into woody’s head before it becomes saturated, at 7.5 ° C.

Suppose we can cram one whole page of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ into his head, at 7.5 ° C until it can take no more. If we try to cram any more in, it just spews out of his orifices. (I will call this woody’s spew point. )

We can call this 100% Woody’s Relative Stupidity level at 7.5 ° C.

Now, obviously, when we were cramming ‘fake news and silly ideas’ into his head, when we had crammed in just half of a page that was 50% woody’s Relative Stupidity levels at 7.5 °C

If we then warm woody’s head up by ten degrees to 17.5 ° C, then we will see if we can cram any more ‘fake news and silly ideas’ into his head.

Wow! We can. We can cram another whole page of ‘fake news and silly ideas’, on top of the first page, into woody’s head.

We have now doubled the amount of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ into woody’s head.

If we continue, by warming his head up by another ten degrees, to 27.5°, we find we can now cram a further two pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ into woody’s head. Doubling the amount that was already there. There is now four pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ in woody’s head.

Each time we reach saturation point, we call that 100% woody’s Relative Stupidity level.

Finally we warm woody’s head up by a further ten degrees to 37.5 ° C. (We know woody is normally hot headed, but let us stick with normality for now).

We find that we can now cram in a further four pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ into his head. That is now eight pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ that we have managed to cram in, by warming his head up. When we could only manage to cram in one page when his head was at 7.5 ° C.

Now his head is at 37.5 ° C, and with eight pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’, what happens when we cool his head back down to, say 27.5 ° C. Let us try it.

Wow, four pages of ‘fake news and silly ideas’ spews out of his head. We called this the woody’s spew point.

All of this is directly comparable to air and moisture, where the air is represented by woody’s head, and the moisture is represented by ‘fake news and silly ideas’.

Edit: Oops forgot: Any questions?
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That's great wannabeFUNNY. I hope your daughter likes reading about Woody's head to help with her moisture problem.
Don't they normally ban "droprogueherrangerclangerwannahimmidiy" by now? :cry:
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That's great wannabeFUNNY. I hope your daughter likes reading about Woody's head to help with her moisture problem.
She has sorted out her moisture problem, thanks, without your help, not that you would have been of any help.

Do you understand Relative Humidity now? Can you explain what happened to the 20% now? :rolleyes:
If your Relative Stupidity levels are at 75%, and Farage offers you another 25%, does that mean your head is full of nonsense? Or does it displace your egomania? :ROFLMAO:
Or to put it another way, if your head is 100% full of 'fake news and silly ideas', and we bring your head in from the cold, what happens to that extra 25% of 'fake news and silly ideas'? Will it spew out of your orifices, or will it make room for more 'fake news and silly ideas'? :ROFLMAO:
I would answer the above but I cannot see the post "want to be him again"

sorry :LOL:
Lol. You are killing my ribs wannabeDOPE.
I understand you want to lower the tone to your normal levels of obscenity.
That is the problem with woody's relative stupidity, you can only discuss concepts at that obscene level.
You have deteriorated from making unwarranted, spurious accusations about my integrity, then failing to be able to justify that accusation, to obscene insults about my family members.
Take a bow in proving how low you can reach.
You are no longer merely a man of no substance and no integrity, but now an obscene, disgusting man of no substance and no integrity.
Your keyboard warrior skills are developing rapidly.

There are other definitions of relative stupidity:
"It really depends on where you are in the world, who you’re talking to, and how much you filter what dribbles out of your brain before it escapes your mouth as to how far your head is stuck up your ass at the moment."
I see there is an unusual amount that dribbles out of your brain and escapes your mouth.
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..., stop repeating the same old stuff.
Good old Albert must have written his definition of insanity thinking about people just like you.
Your attack dog's mention of Albert Einstein reminded me of another of his comments. It refers precisely to your stupid question:
What happens to the 20% extra moisture that the OP lets in?
“It’s relative, stupid!”
Albert Einstein
obscene insults about my family members.

Not sure where those insults are. Can you point them out please?

Unless you mean that you insulted her intelligence by giving her a plagarised paper to read as a gift, instead of a box of chocolates like a normal parent. Awwww dad!
a plagarised paper
No proof, no evidence, no justification for the accusation. No understanding of the concepts involved. No ability to even spell the word!
You are a complete and total buffoon! A disgusting and obscene buffoon at that!
Does this mean I could never be your son in law, wannabeRELATIVE?
You are too stupid, too dishonorable, too obscene, too egotistical for anyone to want you as a relative, except for your halfwit relatives. They might enjoy your obscene company.
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