Honeywell DT92E

Hi, have installed the DT92E and it's working (sigh of relief) but will have to get my grandson over and tidy up the wiring as the airing cupboard is a bit of mess if I am honest. I hadn't noticed until mentioned earlier that the cable clamp hadn't been used due to my installing the junction box upside down.

I have set the Cr value to 3, I think this is the TPi value Dan mentioned as there isn't a specific TPi setting that I can see. I have also set the ECO value.

Only issue so far is that since I got it working around 11:30 this morning the green LED on the receiver has 3 times gone out indicating the relay isn't working. Is there a setting I need to adjust to stop this or is this a peculiarity of the system being wireless.

I haven't manually carried out a binding procedure as the two components came togethger in one box and if I read it correctly are already setup together.
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Think I may have partly answered my own question. Just noticed the relay was of again and also that the transmitter wasn't calling for heat. Whilst I wa watching the transmitter called for heat again and the relay led came back that the correct operation??

Out of curiousity what is the other led on the relay?
Just noticed the relay was of again and also that the transmitter wasn't calling for heat. Whilst I wa watching the transmitter called for heat again and the relay led came back that the correct operation??

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Hi stem

Can I be really cheeky and ask if you could provide a revised wiring diagram showing the permanent 230V supply for the receiver, I followed you advice and used terminal (9) second from the left as the permanent live, and terminal (8) third from the left as the neutral.

Having a full diagram with all the correct wiring colours will be a great help in the future.

Sure, what colour wires go from the thermostat receiver to:
terminal 9?
terminal 8?
terminal 3?
terminal 4?
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stem thanks a bunch. Terminals 3 & 4 are currently as per your original (brown & grey). Unfortunately the cable to the receiver was only 3 core (black/brown/grey) and earth so although not right in order to get it working I used the earth cable for the live (which I have sleved brown) and black for the neutral.

I am going to get my grandson to change the cable so if you could show the colours as you would expect, that would be ideal. I assume it should be a four core plus earth cable so he would use brown live & blue neutral for the 230V supply with grey and black for the receiver switched connections. If I am not right please correct as you feel fit.
Personally I would have left the original thermostat A & B cable for terminals 3 & 4 as it was, and installed a new supply cable with Brown / Blue wires for the new L & N. So, as per your previous post, that's what I have shown. I can change it if required.

You did well to get 5 neutrals in terminal 8. I thought you might have to use vacant terminals 1 or 2 as an additional neutral terminal.

Y Plan Wiring Centre.jpg
Thanks stem that's great, only suggested changing the thermostat A & B cable for terminals 3 & 4 if my grandson fits a new cable to keep things tidy.

It may be awhile before I get him over but hopefully you will still have the plan if I need to make any changes. Incidentally, which software are you using?

Thanks again for all the help on the forum, couldn't have done it without it.
Incidentally, which software are you using?.
I did it using AutoCAD and then converted it to jpg for posting on here. If you want me to email it to you, I can send it tomorrow, in AutoCAD, PDF or jpeg. If you do, just private message me with your email address.

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