Honeywell Galaxy 16+

Yes, the '36' in the part number denotes that it's an ADT firmware. The version is 1.44 which is rather old, but shouldn't give you any problems.

The one main issue that G2 firmware had was a bug introduced at 1.53 (I think), where the system would not report burglary events when the intrusion only triggered the 'final' zone type and no other zone. The sounder would still sound, but no monitoring report was issued by the panel.
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So that being the main door to my shed? That's set as final so if the alarm is set and that door is opened, it will not report back to selfmon? So I will not know it's going off ?

I did wonder why in a morning I was going in and setting it off, and I was not getting an alert from them
I thought the bug was introduced in a newer version, but it may have been present in the panel for a while before 1.53. I don't know.

The flash upgrade requires a Galaxy flash upgrade lead for the G2 panel.
Just had a look online and didn't find one, is it something that's easy to do ?

Will that mean I can bin that Adt firmwear?
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the system would not report burglary events when the intrusion only triggered the 'final' zone type and no other zone
the main door to my shed? That's set as final
The flash upgrade requires a Galaxy flash upgrade lead
Just had a look online and didn't find one

Since it's getting tricky to update the firmware, could you add a second sensor or door contact instead, and set it to EXIT?
EXIT says:- During the setting and unsetting procedure EXIT zones have a non-alarm operation. If the EXIT zone is activated while the system is set - without the unsetting being initiated - an intruder alarm condition is activated.

So, say you fit a second door contact (if PIR's won't work for your install) and programme it as EXIT. Obviously when you open the door you will initiate both contacts, but the EXIT contact will have a non-alarm operation cos the FINAL contact initiates the unsetting procedure - thus you can enter without tripping the alarm. But after the entry timer times out - won't both contacts then be active therefore they will both detect an intruder and report that back to the panel - thus eliminating the "final zone and no other zone" problem?

However, maybe since both contacts would open simultaneously this wouldn't work? Maybe the panel needs the FINAL zone to be opened a millisecond before the EXIT zone or something?

Maybe my theory won't work (remember I've only self-installed my own Galaxy), so wait and see what input the pro's give on it first - I'm just trying to be helpful :)

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