House wife's father now blames the UK

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Another useless and pointless comparison.
More of a ridicule that 'official advice' prevented intervention.
You realise the ridiculousness of your argument, so your only support is to suggest the counter argument is useless and pointless.
A hollow, useless and pointless attempt at supporting your original argument.
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And the Foreign Secretary's opinion is gospel?
Of course he has to support the Home Secretary's decision, otherwise we'd have rebellion and mutiny in Cabinet. (although it's not too late for that)

Ask BJ if his opinion on journalists in Iraq was gospel.
I think you best write to him and complain. (I bet you won't).
If the appeal is successful, the decision is overturned and she will always have been a UK citizen.
At the moment it has not been determined whether she is or isn't. The decision to not intervene, on the basis that she is not a UK citizen, was taken prematurely.
exactly it hasnt been determined -thats a bit like arguing the possibilty of innocence on somebody held in remand -you cant say the system is at at fault, if at some time in the future they are found to be retrospectively innocent.

If the woman had not left the UK, she would be in this situation.
I think you best write to him and complain. (I bet you won't).
No, but I have already made my opinion known with the local MP.
Unfortunately, they are a government puppet, or do you spell that with a 'm'?
They toe the party line each and every time, displaying no awareness, leadership or independent thinking of their own.

And what about you? Have you written in support of the decision?
Or perhaps written to DA expressing your opinion?

But this merely a diversion.
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More of a ridicule that 'official advice' prevented intervention.
You realise the ridiculousness of your argument, so your only support is to suggest the counter argument is useless and pointless.
A hollow, useless and pointless attempt at supporting your original argument.
Utter bull.
Have you ever heard of the term 'risk assessment'? It's used all over to make decisions and unfortunately sometimes the outcome is that people aren't helped. It's a tough world out there and the simplest solution is not to put yourself in that position in the first place if you can possibly help it.
The mother put herself in that position, willingly. She ultimately has only herself to blame.

No, but I have already made my opinion known with the local MP.
Unfortunately, they are a government puppet, or do you spell that with a 'm'?
They toe the party line each and every time, displaying no awareness, leadership or independent thinking of their own.

And what about you? Have you written in support of the decision?
Or perhaps written to DA expressing your opinion?
Why do I need to write to support? How odd.
If the woman had not left the UK, she would be in this situation.
Not disputed.
If people who are in trouble on the mountains hadn't gone out, they wouldn't be in that situation.
If people who get caught out in floods hadn't gone out........
etc....... etc...............
It happens, that is why we have emergency services. Staffed by people who are prepared to make attempts at rescuing people.
They don't just say, "Oh well, they shouldn't have gone".
If the appeal is successful, the decision is overturned and she will always have been a UK citizen.
At the moment it has not been determined whether she is or isn't. The decision to not intervene, on the basis that she is not a UK citizen, was taken prematurely.

That is like a prisoner on remand -you are arguing if they proven innocent that the system is at fault.

You seem to have forgotten the girl left this country, it was her decision. If a person does something dodgy, they have to wait for due process.

You are making it sound like a she is an innocent holidaymaker caught up in some troubles and the UK isnt doing anything to sort it out.
Not disputed.
If people who are in trouble on the mountains hadn't gone out, they wouldn't be in that situation.
If people who get caught out in floods hadn't gone out........
etc....... etc...............
It happens, that is why we have emergency services. Staffed by people who are prepared to make attempts at rescuing people.
They don't just say, "Oh well, they shouldn't have gone".
Again, pointless comparison. Do those people risk being kidnapped, beheaded or whatever, trying to help others? How do you compare mountain rescue, snow rescue, ice rescue to a war? Cloud cuckoo land Himmy if you think those are the same.

And you also will find that rescue attempts on mountains and at sea are often halted due to things like the weather - because they've made a risk assessment to their safety. There is no point in putting MORE people in harms way is there? That's just stupid.

Only as odd as your comment.
How peculiar, you completely ignore the part about risk assessment that I wrote. :rolleyes:
Not disputed.
If people who are in trouble on the mountains hadn't gone out, they wouldn't be in that situation.
If people who get caught out in floods hadn't gone out........
etc....... etc...............
It happens, that is why we have emergency services. Staffed by people who are prepared to make attempts at rescuing people.
They don't just say, "Oh well, they shouldn't have gone".

Your examples are of innocent people not somebody that has willfully left to go to a war zone.

if somebody gets caught with drugs in Thailand and is jailed, the UK dont bring them home do they?
Most excellent. You now think that journalists are the people to give out passports? Made me laugh, clutching at straws or what?!
Let me try this one more time. There are NO British consular staff in Syria. Consular staff are normally the people who issue passports, aid with British citizens in trouble etc. THERE ARE NO BRITISH CONSULAR STAFF IN SYRIA.
Let me try this one more time. I have never suggested that they would need to be issued with passports before they could travel.

I have asked you more than once who would prevent them leaving in the company of UK officials because of a lack of passports, and who would prevent them from entering the UK in the company of those officials because of a lack of passports.

You haven't even tried to answer.

Reason? You know full well that if the UK did want to repatriate them, and did send the appropriate officials to assist and accompany they would be allowed to return. Said assistance would not be consular officials issuing passports and then having SB book a commercial flight back to Heathrow.

PLUS! Travel has been advised against, due to the fact that Syria is incredibly dangerous.

You seem to be unaware that we do have people available to us who can be sent to "incredibly dangerous" places.

You seem to want to pretend that we would ask some outsourced Capita desk jockey to make his or her own way there with a bunch of passport application forms.

You seem to expect that other people are going to be thick enough to believe your mad nonsense.

Do you and Himmy not think logically, or is it all emotionally?
Well, firstly I have no idea who this Himmy is, and I can't speak for him or her.



I even tried a different spelling, in case that was yet one more error to add to your collection:


And as for "not think logically, or is it all emotionally?" - now it's my turn to laugh, as you and logic never intersect, at least not in any of the dimensions we can detect.

Do you think it's perfectly acceptable to risk the lives of other British people in order to help someone who turned her back on the UK and joined a terrorist group? Syria is at war, a war she supported! All of this mess in her life is at her making. All of it.
I guess if it isn't we'd better disband the armed forces. And the police. And the fire service. And the coastguard. And the RNLI. And all mountain and cave rescue teams.
It's a tough world out there and the simplest solution is not to put yourself in that position in the first place if you can possibly help it.
The mother put herself in that position, willingly. She ultimately has only herself to blame.
Best leave her to her own fate then, and all the other people whose stupidity got themselves into dire situations.

Although it might be cheaper, in terms of money and lives, in the long term, to rethink that strategy.
The kind of thinking that governments should do instead of popular decisions, because that's what gets them re-elected.
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