House wife's father now blames the UK

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Buffoon abbot has made another emotional speech in Parliament about this caper

Must admit I was almost moved to tears :sneaky:
ou've finally realised your error - in not accrediting your remarks to anybody you become responsible for them

What I stated is fact. One cannot own facts, so I cant be responsible for them.

Himagins error is that he is deliberately insinuating my post was opinion.
I think it would have been almost impossible for the UK government to legally remove the child without its mother. We can't go around kidnapping people's children. I don't recall reading any articles saying she would give her child up to social services.
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At the moment, she isn't. Did you not see the news?!!

The family are going to appeal, until then and she wins, she isn't a citizen of Britain.
I don't think that is accurate.
If the appeal overturns the Home Secretary's decision, she will always have been a UK citizen.
When an appeal overturns a decision it is retrospective.
That's another one.
That's about five so far, three of them denying that you have made an error.
Be fair - it could be that he is so defective, so utterly removed from reality, that he genuinely does not have a clue what is going on. Not just in the real world - that's always been obvious, but also in the la-la land inside his own head.
Most excellent. You now think that journalists are the people to give out passports? Made me laugh, clutching at straws or what?!
Let me try this one more time. There are NO British consular staff in Syria. Consular staff are normally the people who issue passports, aid with British citizens in trouble etc. THERE ARE NO BRITISH CONSULAR STAFF IN SYRIA.

PLUS! Travel has been advised against, due to the fact that Syria is incredibly dangerous.

"The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) advise against all travel to Syria. British nationals in Syria should leave by any practical means. Consular support is not available in Syria. The UK has suspended all services of the British Embassy in Damascus and all diplomatic and consular staff have been withdrawn from Syria. British nationals requiring assistance should make their way to a neighbouring country where the UK has a consular presence.

The situation remains extremely volatile and dangerous. High levels of violence persist throughout Syria, including full scale military operations involving the use of small arms, tanks, artillery and aircraft. A number of chemical weapons attacks have taken place across Syria. Estimates suggest that over 470,000 people have been killed in the Syria conflict, including over 55,000 children.

The Syrian regime does not exercise control of significant parts of Syria, notably in the north, south and east of the country. A small area of eastern Syria remains under the effective control of Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL), which is fiercely hostile to the United Kingdom.

Fighting has at various times caused the temporary suspension of commercial flights, closed roads, impeded access to land border crossing points and led to the closure of some border crossings.

Terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Syria. See Terrorism. Continued attacks across Syria including in major cities, have left large numbers of people dead or injured.

There is a very high threat of kidnapping throughout Syria. There have been a number of kidnappings, including of British nationals and other Westerners, including by Daesh (formerly referred to as ISIL)."

Do you and Himmy not think logically, or is it all emotionally? Do you think it's perfectly acceptable to risk the lives of other British people in order to help someone who turned her back on the UK and joined a terrorist group? Syria is at war, a war she supported! All of this mess in her life is at her making. All of it.
There are consular staff in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc.
The border with Iraq is 20 kilometers away and that border is controlled by our Kurdish allies. If the baby can travel 40 kilometers in one way to a hospital (albeit too late) it could have traveled 20 kilometers in the other direction, to the border.

On the official advice issue: When there's a lot of snow and people are advised not to travel. If someone does travel and gets stuck do the AA, the RAC say, "sorry, official advice, we can't travel. Oh! and you should be stripped of your driving licence for ignoring official advice"? And darrington will shout, "Karma!"
When the news reports a dangerous escaped criminal and the public are warned not to approach them, when someone reports a sighting do the police say, "sorry, official advice we can't approach him"? And darrington will shout, "Karma!"
When there's a storm brewing and people are advised not to go sailing, but someone does, do they RNLI say "sorry, you've ignored official advice, and we aren't going to. Oh! and you should be stripped of your sailing licence"? And darrington will shout, "Karma!"
etc, etc.

On your comment about journalists giving out passports, you mentioned something about clutching at straws. No-one suggested journalists giving out passports, except you. So the clutching at straws comment can only apply to you.
The UK could have arranged for the birth, and the monitoring of the baby's health.
Of course, in your cloud cuckoo world, of course they could. They could've got her some balloons and a nice big bunch of flowers too, perhaps the UK could've knitted a few sets of booties while they were at it. I do hope they do the same for every single British citizen who has a baby abroad.. heck, why not every single UK baby being born everywhere including the UK?

*sigh* :rolleyes:
I think it would have been almost impossible for the UK government to legally remove the child without its mother. We can't go around kidnapping people's children. I don't recall reading any articles saying she would give her child up to social services.
I expect you haven't read any articles to the contrary either.
Of course, in your cloud cuckoo world, of course they could. They could've got her some balloons and a nice big bunch of flowers too, perhaps the UK could've knitted a few sets of booties while they were at it. I do hope they do the same for every single British citizen who has a baby abroad.. heck, why not every single UK baby being born everywhere including the UK?

*sigh* :rolleyes:
When you descend into silliness, I assume it is because you realise that your argument has been dismantled.
There are consular staff in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc.
The border with Iraq is 20 kilometers away and that border is controlled by our Kurdish allies. If the baby can travel 40 kilometers in one way to a hospital (albeit too late) it could have traveled 20 kilometers in the other direction, to the border.

On the official advice issue: When there's a lot of snow and people are advised not to travel. If someone does travel and gets stuck do the AA, the RAC say, "sorry, official advice, we can't travel. Oh! and you should be stripped of your driving licence for ignoring official advice"? And darrington will shout, "Karma!"
When the news reports a dangerous escaped criminal and the public are warned not to approach them, when someone reports a sighting do the police say, "sorry, official advice we can't approach him"? And darrington will shout, "Karma!"
When there's a storm brewing and people are advised not to go sailing, but someone does, do they RNLI say "sorry, you've ignored official advice, and we aren't going to. Oh! and you should be stripped of your sailing licence"? And darrington will shout, "Karma!"
etc, etc.

On your comment about journalists giving out passports, you mentioned something about clutching at straws. No-one suggested journalists giving out passports, except you. So the clutching at straws comment can only apply to you.
You're a twit comparing a war torn country to driving in snow. Shows again what little grasp you have of the situation, and the seriousness of war torn countries.
But then you did always like your dull analogies didn't you Himmy.
You're a twit comparing a war torn country to driving in snow. Shows again what little grasp you have of the situation, and the seriousness of war torn countries.
But then you did always like your dull analogies didn't you Himmy.
You were the one that suggested 'official advice' prevented intervention.
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