Or set the cap below what someone on minimum wage actually takes home
or abolish income tax for everyone and put it all on vat.
or abolish income tax for everyone and put it all on vat.
I would fully agree with that, but I still feel that the best thing would be to tax benefits, why should benefits claimants get them tax free when they are way in excess of the personal taxation limits set for ordinary working people?
Amusing debate, lets take London for instance. You suggest people move out to get work. What if you were born here. Work is as limited here as in a fluffy postcard rural village. Rents and basic food stuffs more expensive.
I rent privately and thats still 800PCM plus all bills. And I`m lucky this is a good rate for what I have. Cannot afford to get a mortgage. So I move to fluffy postcard land and can afford a house, wrong because I now earn 50p a week for the same hours.
Housing costs are retrospective to the local area.
As it happens a single person has a possible housing benefit of £250.00 a week with the new caps in place at this moment in time, it was £400.00. On average £250 will get you a bedsit.
I agree there is a large amount of people leeching the system, but the majority are in hardship and the meagre benefits they get do not facilitate wide screen tv`s and 3 holidays a year.
In full time employment I have not had a holiday for 3 years now!
Some here are just waffling for the sake of it and not versed in all the facts![]()
not sure how that would work they would have to pay them more to cover the tax
the way the system works is based on what the government say you need to live on
they then take income like pensions interest on amounts above £6.000 and deduct from there £65 or £95
they then take your outgoings like interest payments on loans or morgages housing costs then add these on
they then pay the standard amount to every one on unemployment benefit
£65 per adult something like £95 a couple this is to cover all food all bills and buy clothes[except housing and council tax ]
they get extra money per child [child benefit £20 tax credits about £35 for 1 child]more for the first child less per subsequent child/children
so a married/cohabeting couple with a child get around £150 a week a single parent with a child around £120 to feed clothe and pay all the bills except housing and council tax so fall below the tax threashold
has she actually said she has no intention off working??
but i am not after taking sides just presenting situation as factual as i can from both sides
Or set the cap below what someone on minimum wage actually takes temporary rv housing or rv temp housing
or abolish income tax for everyone and put it all on vat.