How can I prove 4 years have passed?

So basically they sent me a letter, there is a breach bit no enforcement ha sbeen issued. If they know the fence is to high and i have to reduce it why haven't they issued and inforcement notice?

Read post #4 again

Would your council spend £000's enforcing a wall which is a bit high?

Ok but how would they spend money by telling me to remove my wall?
why are they telling me there is a breach but they are no serving me with a notice?

(I clicked on ignore by mistake, how do i remove that?)
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I'm not clear if you've received a letter or are just going by the council website saying a letter has been sent? Either way do nothing until you do get a letter. When you do write and tell them the wall was built 5 years ago and send your evidence. The planners have access to better aerial imagery than you do (without you paying for it) so they should be able to check it quite easily. If your evidence is correct that should be the end of it. Sometimes the planners ask you to apply for a CoL so it can be regularised. Only do that if they agree your evidence and indicate that a certificate will be issued. If they are not prepared to do that tell them to issue an enforcement notice, which you will then appeal. If they have any sense whatsoever (which unfortunately is not guaranteed with planning departments) they will not pursue it.
Just apply to the council for a Certificate of Lawful Development. .

That's bad advice.


Only apply for a LDC if development is unequivocally outside of the time limits for enforcement

Which according to the OP it is.

You need to remember one day he might want to sell his house?

You are quite correct in that the OP was asking about potential council enforcement and not a certificate.

Oh yes, google 'testimony'.
I'm not clear if you've received a letter or are just going by the council website saying a letter has been sent? Either way do nothing until you do get a letter. When you do write and tell them the wall was built 5 years ago and send your evidence. The planners have access to better aerial imagery than you do (without you paying for it) so they should be able to check it quite easily. If your evidence is correct that should be the end of it. Sometimes the planners ask you to apply for a CoL so it can be regularised. Only do that if they agree your evidence and indicate that a certificate will be issued. If they are not prepared to do that tell them to issue an enforcement notice, which you will then appeal. If they have any sense whatsoever (which unfortunately is not guaranteed with planning departments) they will not pursue it.

Well I don't thibk they have better access to aerial imagery, the guy from the enforcement team said it was not built in 2008 from what he saw and i built it early 2007!!
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That could just be because the image is at the wrong angle. Aerial images are taken in fairly wide bands. If you happen to be close to the middle of the band the image will be more or less directly overhead where fences and walls do not show up so well. An image from the edge of a band will show a wall more clearly even at lower resolution. You should also go back to your digital images. Moving an image from one pc to another changes the date modified but it does not change the image exif data. You need an exif reader to extract it - such as the camera manufacturer's software or a third party software. Opanda is a free one that works well.
That could just be because the image is at the wrong angle. Aerial images are taken in fairly wide bands. If you happen to be close to the middle of the band the image will be more or less directly overhead where fences and walls do not show up so well. An image from the edge of a band will show a wall more clearly even at lower resolution. You should also go back to your digital images. Moving an image from one pc to another changes the date modified but it does not change the image exif data. You need an exif reader to extract it - such as the camera manufacturer's software or a third party software. Opanda is a free one that works well.

Sadly the exif reader is not showing anything, i had used a mobile phone at the time and nothing is showing.

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