How do you punish criminals like this!

The government doesn't want to build new prisons so they would rather give short sentences. It beats me where all these new crims are coming from.
Year ago when single mums came along popping out kids to get more benefits everyone said it would be a disaster when they became teenage - well we've got that disaster now.
In previous generations our dads and granddads had fought in the army and came home with army discipline. Since that time from the 60s onwards that discipline has gone from the home and from school. There is no real answer.
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What is strange is the fact that they went to the trouble of covering her in the caustic chemical yet she would still be able to identify them.

There was a case many years back where a young girl was abducted and raped by a gang including other girls and she was raped humiliated and tortured to death, the details were horrifying included torture by burning with cigarettes and finally killing her by dousing her in petrol and burning her alive!

What sick minds!

One thing in society I blame is this "making fashionable" the act of enjoying others misfortunes instead of feeling sorry for people there are those that enjoy watching whether on tv or in the papers others troubles. Shows even like the ones that show people falling over hurting themselves are to blame.

This may seem innocent at the time but it all goes to desensitise people to feeling sympathy or care for others.
Dunno about anybody else, but when I was at school (geez, I sound like me mother), we always had the threat of the belt there. It gave you a boundary that you didn't cross. You knew that you could get away with so much mucking about in class but once you crossed that line, you'd be in for the belt. When they banned the belt, writing out punishment exercises really didn't have the same impact.
IMO I blame the parents and the Government, in my days most mothers didn't have go to work until the children are older because they could afford to but now we have a high tax policies of tax & spend Government, so mothers are going to work to let the youngster misbehaving. It's too late now as it's now out of control and I'm getting sick & tired of this country the way it's going. What’s the point of being the 4th richest country in the world?
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When you compare the kids of today with the kids (and most were just that) that went to the trenches in WW1 or volunteered in WW2 (my dad and possibly yours) it makes you wonder where the spirit of Britain has gone. Sad really.
The Sun are ignorant t*ats. Caustic Soda is not acidic, it's alkaline.
rant of a hard liner, put them in the local shopping centre chained to a pole in nude let onlookers pour sh## over them, after that cut off dangly bits then 180 years jail ,cut to 99 years on appel then let them rot in a 6x8 cell 23 hours a day:evil: or send them to a whore house payed for by tax payer,then 100 hours unpaid work in old people house's ,so they could line something up for when we let them go, :?: is it just me :rolleyes: it is :?:
rant of a hard liner, put them in the local shopping centre chained to a pole in nude let onlookers pour sh## over them, after that cut off dangly bits then 180 years jail ,cut to 99 years on appel then let them rot in a 6x8 cell 23 hours a day:evil: or send them to a **** house payed for by tax payer,then 100 hours unpaid work in old people house's ,so they could line something up for when we let them go, :?: is it just me :rolleyes: it is :?:

I do hate it when you sit on the fence :LOL: :LOL:
Joe-90 Wrote:
The government doesn't want to build new prisons so they would rather give short sentences. It beats me where all these new crims are coming from.
Year ago when single mums came along popping out kids to get more benefits everyone said it would be a disaster when they became teenage - well we've got that disaster now.
In previous generations our dads and granddads had fought in the army and came home with army discipline. Since that time from the 60s onwards that discipline has gone from the home and from school. There is no real answer.
There are rare occasions that I find myself agreeing with Joe ... This is one of them. ;)
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