I would dare to suggest that so am I, despite ....."Skilled person (electrically). - Person who possesses, as appropriate to the nature of the electrical work to be undertaken, adequate education, training and practical skills, and who is able to perceive risks and avoid hazards which electricity can create."
I'm definitely that ....
...since, although I have professional qualifications and experience, together with plenty of memberships of/registrations with various bodies, 'coming out of my ears', none relate to anything remotely electrical....., however I'm unaffiliated, unsubscribed and uninterested in any organisation who may deem me so....................for an associated fee of course.
... and, it works both ways .... I have unfortunately known a few people ('electricians') with plenty of 'qualifications', memberships and 'registrations' who I would not let anywhere near my electrical installation, nor anything which had anything to do with 'electrical safety' Fortunately, such people are in a very small minority, but they certainly exist.
Kind Regards, John