OK, your boiler is recycling because the demand is below the boiler minimum output and when you reopen the TRV then the heat demand increases to = or > than the boiler 6.2kw minimum output, at least for awhile. The circ pump should not stop IMO in recycle, is it stopping before the the anticycle time of ~ 4 minutes has elapsed? . 55C is also far too high to allow the boiler to get away without repeated anticycling.
When the boiler is next running "normally" with its 63C flow temperature, feel the pipe a bit below the ABV, it will/should be cold (at setting 0.45?) then keep turning the adjusting knob slowly anticlockwise while feeling the pipe, as soon as the pipe start getting hot stop the adjustment, it should then be reading ~ 0.25/0.28ish, wait a few minutes and read d.40&d.41, when next it goes into recycle read off d.40&d.41 just before the end of the recycle period and post back.
When the boiler is next running "normally" with its 63C flow temperature, feel the pipe a bit below the ABV, it will/should be cold (at setting 0.45?) then keep turning the adjusting knob slowly anticlockwise while feeling the pipe, as soon as the pipe start getting hot stop the adjustment, it should then be reading ~ 0.25/0.28ish, wait a few minutes and read d.40&d.41, when next it goes into recycle read off d.40&d.41 just before the end of the recycle period and post back.