How well do you treat your body & mind?

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
If you think about the high level stuff, namely diet, physical and mental health, how well do you treat your body and mind?

For me, diet is pretty poor. Lots of frozen ready meals, choc bars and the like. On the plus side I have cereal almost every morning and an apple now and again, so not all bad! Exercise wise I do nowt, actually I'm getting far too sedentary, not helped by lockdown however that's no excuse. Mentally, I try not to get stressed e.g. with work, however not always easy. I'm not happy with my current work/life balance so my mental health could be better.

I have spells where my diet and exercise routines are much better, however I always fall off the wagon after x weeks or months.

Right, over to you ...
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If you think about the high level stuff, namely diet, physical and mental health, how well do you treat your body and mind?

For me, diet is pretty poor. Lots of frozen ready meals, choc bars and the like. On the plus side I have cereal almost every morning and an apple now and again, so not all bad! Exercise wise I do nowt, actually I'm getting far too sedentary, not helped by lockdown however that's no excuse. Mentally, I try not to get stressed e.g. with work, however not always easy. I'm not happy with my current work/life balance so my mental health could be better.

I have spells where my diet and exercise routines are much better, however I always fall off the wagon after x weeks or months.

Right, over to you ...
Same.Im 57.Try and eat healthy.Not always easy.I try to avoid stress after heart attack 7 years ago.I enjoy cycle touring.PMA goes along way...Fall over...Get back up again..Be Happy..Best any of us can do.
64, 11st after being 10st to age 40. Slim by luck until age 45-50, so take some measures. Diet, literally, been doing the 5:2 diet* for 5 years, feel better for it. Food, processed is a treat, no chip pan and can't be bothered with oven chips. Red meat cut way back after the daughter came to stay- she's borderline vegan, totally veggie. Wife has never been big on red meat, a veggie now, but doesn't baulk at gravies and such made from meat. Therefore, I'm eating far more veg, which is fine by me. Exercise, I was totally sedentary, but fit and active. Started swimming again, can do a mile in about 35 mins, but the pools are all closed- was doing 3 times a week. We both cycle and ski- again, when we can. Now we walk more. Joints are creaking!

* 2 days a week, I have only 600 kcals for the day.
54 and graft every day. Reasonable shape but nearly 40yrs of graft is taking its toll. Never eat between meals and only drink alcohol at the weekend (hic!). I wouldn't say my diet is spectacular but we eat plenty of fruit vegetables and lots of pasta.

Golf keeps me ok fit, but like everyone else I'm missing my only exercise. Skiing, whilst a graft, is a rare occasion.

Never had salt on the dining table since well before the sprogs were born. Never put it in the (boiling) veg or owt else like that. Always nibble on something sweet aprés dinner/tea as an after.

Sleep comes easy at night but always wake for a mid-sleep pi$$. Always up around 5:30a.m. having passed out dribbling at around 10p.m. ish.

Still satisfying the bride (blue pills help these days) even though she is 10 years younger than me.:mrgreen:
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63, 16 1/2 stone. Used to be a twig until I gave up smoking about 17 years, 3 months, 2 weeks, 4 days and 2 hours ago (roughly). We rarely have takeaways or ready meals, always cook fresh. Meat free Mondays, fish for breakfast at weekends, cereal in the week. I do snack between meals though which is my downfall. Diagnosed with prostate cancer a couple of years ago but I’m just on watchful waiting at the moment and doing fine so they tell me. I do love swimming (used to swim for West Ham in my teens) and had just started up again before the first lockdown hit. I walk the dog at least 4 miles a day, at least 4 times a week. Wife tries to limit us to two bottles of wine between us per week. Last worked properly in March last year, starting to get to me down now. Luckily we own our own commercial premises so no real business expenses and we are both on furlough much to you-know-who's disgust lol. Last saw our daughter on Boxing Day and probably won’t see her again until Easter due to lockdown. Wife sees our son every week as she babysits every Thursday, I see him every third week when I take our grandson back due to his shift pattern. He's just been furloughed until March so neither of us will be seeing him or our grandson until then which has hit my wife harder than me although we are, against rules I know, going to meet them in an outside location tomorrow because it’s our grandsons 2nd birthday and we're taking his presents with us. Can’t sleep unless I read and then I usually wake about 3.00, read and then go back to sleep but I’ve always been like that. Had all 5 of our breaks/holidays cancelled last year but have a break booked for mid March just to have something to look forward to. It’s my wife’s 60th birthday this year in July so was hoping to take her on a big holiday but that’s looking doubtful. It’s been a pretty s hitty year for all.
For me, diet is pretty poor. Lots of frozen ready meals, choc bars and the like. On the plus side I have cereal almost every morning and an apple now and again, so not all bad! Exercise wise I do nowt, actually I'm getting far too sedentary, not helped by lockdown however that's no excuse. Mentally, I try not to get stressed e.g. with work, however not always easy. I'm not happy with my current work/life balance so my mental health could be better.

Better diet, almost always home cooked meals, she (63) preps, goes to work leaving instructions and I cook ready for her return. Exercise I (73) do almost none, but my low iron in my blood limits me severally and I'm a bit wary of walking too far and basically running out of 'steam' if on my own. So I restrict myself to home and I'm retired anyway, she is almost retired. She shops mostly, though I have more time, she has more idea of what she wants. I do try to help out where I can, by bringing home the regular items. I am though trying to minimise contact outside the home, with others.

Mentally, I'm absolutely fine (I think). I spend far too much time on here, plus watching all the stuff on TV and films which I never got the opportunity to watch when I was working silly hours before I retired. I was always work orientated, always happy to go to work. It took me a good two years to unwind and get it into my head that my time was my own to do with as I pleased.

I think she would be going nuts, being in the house all the time, were it not for her job at school, with school hols. Odd that she is whining though, about them talking about cutting the school holidays short, to help the kids catch up some for time lost due to covid.

I was always a light weight, with no belly. Now I'm nudging 12stone with a belly I don't like ;)

I have a rare cooked breakfast, or nothing until dinner in the evening. She eats more than me, weighs in at 8.5 stone and is hyper fit, slim, very trim and comes in like a whirlwind after work, walks almost everywhere.
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Up to about 8 years ago I was rapidly going down hill. Although living in the same house as my ,now, ex we lived totally different lives. Shopped, cooked, cleaned and did all my own washing etc. I was the one that did any decorating or gardening as well as working full time in engineering and being on call 24/7 every third week. Never had time for exercise or anything other than ready made TV dinner types of food. I'd been diagnosed with CKD in 2006 which sent an already rocky marriage further down the slope. Eight years ago, shortly after filing for divorce, I went on a training course to the other side of the country where I met a great bloke on the same course and we hit it off immediately. He was responsible for introducing me to a lovely lady and we too hit it off, (maybe because we were both coming out of bad marriages). I decided to get a transfer from the Liverpool branch of the company I worked for and was lucky to find a position with their East Anglia branch as an on-site motor engineer. Everything was purely platonic for the first couple of years with the lady friend who would cook for me most nights as, with her being disabled, I used to do jobs around the house and garden for her then one day she decided to move out the house she was renting. My daughter said why don't we get a place together instead of paying 2 rents and after some discussion we decided to do just that. The good meals continued and we found ourselves doing more and more together so I asked her if she would marry me. She said yes and we are very happy together. She has always insisted I follow the docs advise and treatment, (unlike my ex who only worried she would be left alone if I died).I have always worked in engineering of one sort or another so always been physically active. These days I work in maintenance at a local college and each day cover at least 15,000 steps during work hours alone. Drink moderately, (1 bottle of beer a night), smoke around 15 a day instead of 40+ and am mentally stimulated by my lifestyle and watching/doing quizzes together amongst other things.
I'd been diagnosed with CKD in 2006 which sent an already rocky marriage further down the slope. Eight years ago, shortly after filing for divorce, I went on a training course to the other side of the country where I met a great bloke on the same course and we hit it off immediately.

I have CKD 4 they suggest as a result of high BP. One failed kidney, the other failing, so probably dialysis in the next couple of years. The CKD is causing me to have low iron in my blood, so my oxygen up take is poor - hence my running out of 'steam' with exercise. I tend to race around too fast, push myself too hard then just run out of steam. I had my first iron IV a couple of months ago and the first monthly injection to encourage iron production. I was quite ill for for days, but it made an amazing difference to my general energy.

My first partner passed away 6 years ago and I became involved with another, but that didn't really work out. I'm now with my third (dating sites) and its working out a little better so far. Both moved in with me, because I was well set up here. Latest has only been here 10 months, 10 months of lockdown, so she is captive ;). Between, I had many lonely months on my own, just me and the dog, which is really not fun.

My first partner became ill quite early on in our relationship, then just became worse with each passing year, which made life hard. I smoked much of my life 20 to 30 a day, until seven years ago, but never really smoked, I didn't inhale properly - it was always just something to do with my hands.

I just stopped dead one day, thinking how silly it all was, with a few thousand ciggies in stock and wishing I hadn't wasted all that money over the years on them.

I had a few gold diggers on the dating sites and lots of desperate females, some just looking for friends to chat with at a distance - it takes all sorts. One was a woman a 1/3 my age, abandoned by her partner and looking after a disabled youngster, absolutely gorgeous, but deep in debt and very desperate for just anyone to offer her a lifeline. Some had been seriously abused by their partners.
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I started with swollen ankles and the GP told me to sit with my legs up for a few hours each night. I've never been able to sit still for more than half an hour, 1 hour max, unless it was something really interesting and never with my feet up. Then the swelling started moving up my legs so GP came up with various 'possibilities' as to the cause. Long story cut short, it took 18 months and the advice of another GP in the same practice, (plus the swelling to have moved as high as my chest which made me look like a beachball with a tennis ball for a head), to see a hospital doctor and within 10 seconds of walking in his room he told me I had kidney problems. Blood and urine tests, plus ultrasound scan showed something was wrong so they put me on tablets. Because the consultant sent me a letter detailing explicitly what he intended to do without having even seen me I refused a biopsy, (lots of scary details about being on my back for at least 12 hours after having a long needle plunged into my kidneys and how there was a risk of internal bleeding which may require an emergency operation etc, etc), so I was treated 'empirically' to see if it worked. Basically take bucket loads of various tablets each day and hope for the best. Thankfully it did but took a long time to get under control. After moving over here my 'girlfriend' convinced me to reconsider the biopsy. It was a cake walk. Felt a tiny sharp jab below my ribcage at the back as he deadened the area and never felt anything after that, just heard the clicking sound as he tool a couple of samples. Laid on my back for about 3 hours whilst my 'wife' sat next to me smiling as one of the nurses flirted with me then home to rest, (at her insistence), for a few days and everything has been great since then. I'm currently just over 2 years into remission and only take one Irbesartan @150mg a day. Protein loss was over 11 at the diagnosis stage and is now down to less than 0.1 Iron, potassium, white cell count, bilirubin, haemoglobin etc all within middle of range. Present wife is disabled after a car accident more than 30 years ago which broke her neck. Told she would probably never walk again she proved everyone wrong but now her condition is getting worse as her neck, (C5,6 and 7), are beginning to crumble and she may have to have a bigger cage fitted to help support them. She already has one across C5,6 and 7, having a longer one will help stabilise it but may reduce her mobility further but we deal with it on a day to day basis. No point sitting there dreading the future when we have today to live for.
After moving over here my 'girlfriend' convinced me to reconsider the biopsy. It was a cake walk. Felt a tiny sharp jab below my ribcage at the back as he deadened the area and never felt anything after that, just heard the clicking sound as he tool a couple of samples. Laid on my back for about 3 hours whilst my 'wife' sat next to me smiling as one of the nurses flirted with me then home to rest, (at her insistence), for a few days and everything has been great since then.

I had that, as a precursor to having a stent put in my better kidney to try to improve it. They never mentioned any scary stories, all just matter of fact and my first ever op of any sort. All I was told, was that I would be kept in the rest of the day, not allowed to sit up, then if all OK sent home. Nothing much too it, apart from the boredom of being on my back after it for hours. Two absolutely gorgeous females doing the op. in a dim room, with me face down, a bit of pressure and few clicks and all done. I got a local friend to pick me up after.

The stent install via my groin artery was much worse and quite scary. I had to be in the night before and stay in for two nights after. They whistled me down first thing in the morning, right or wrong I'd got my new partner to shave me rather than have the embarrassment of a total stranger do it. They were intending doing it last June, but I explained I had two dogs, was all alone, but would have a partner visiting in January for a week who could look after them whilst I was in hospital, so they rescheduled to suit me. They offered me groin or arm entry, I asked them which was best for them, the surgeon said groin was more direct/easier, so I agreed to that.

The room for the op was a tiny old basement room, but with lots of modern equipment plonked in it and around six people doing the process. I arrived a gown and underwear. I was told to transfer myself onto the very narrow table, then they wiped my gown off and my undies, covering my essentials with something and no one paying very attention to me laid near naked on the table. They then blew up some sort of air bed, or maybe water bed around me, holding me firmly and anaesthetized me in the area, then began with the incision, to get there gadget in my artery. It felt horrible making its way around me. It felt like one of those net curtain springs as it went in, I was cringing with the weird sensation. Part way through, I suddenly felt I was beginning to feel very faint, sweating like a pig and my BP disappearing, so I let them know and they checked my BP and it was almost gone. They injected me with something to sort me out and paused for half an hour, whilst I stabilised. Wild swings in BP was something I suffered with at the time. Then they continued and managed to complete the job.

Throughout, the team were chatting away between themselves, about their social lives as if I wasn't there. All done, they just put a plaster on the incision, maybe a stitch on the artery. Curious, took a look to see if they had mopped up much of my blood, there were just a few spurts on the things they had used. My underwear was slipped back on and I was returned to the ward, where they began checking my vitals every hour for three days and not allowed up at all. They then discharged me home in a taxi and told to take it very easy for a week, so no nookie and keep the area dry :)

I had a worrying lump there for two months after, so I got the renal doc to check it out and all fine.
I had one of those procedures about 2 years ago. I'd come home from work after a very stressful meeting and told my wife I didn't feel too good. She gave 111 a ring for some advice and before we knew it a paramedic was out and taking my bp etc He'd been sitting in his car along the road having a break so was there within 2 minutes. He said everything seemed ok and the heart trace looked fine but I should go to hospital just to be sure. I spent 5 days in the cardio dept and on the last day they did one of those angioplast(?) operations just to make sure. Was told to shave my groin area but just before going down a nurse checked and said I only really needed to do a patch on my inner thigh and the surrounding area, so she did it for me. Yes, about 6 or 7 people, all gowned up and everything, also the skinny bed with inflated sides and a big TV screen on my left where I could follow the progress of the probe. They had a stent loaded apparently but said they didn't need to use it as my tubes were quite clear. Same as you, dissolvable stitch in the artery and a plaster over the entry site. Laid on the bed for a few hours and sent home.
Laid on the bed for a few hours and sent home.

Near identical experience, apart from keeping me in for observation. I felt I came close to dying on the table, maybe why they kept me in?

How did you feel with the 'curtain spring' being pushed up inside your artery? I couldn't see the screen at all, it was turned slightly away from me.

Shaving pre-op was never mentioned and they wouldn't have known whether I needed it, until I was fully exposed on the table. I didn't which side they would be going in, or how much growth they might need clearing, so I asked her to just take the lot off with my electric razor's hedge trimmer.
Suffer with back and joint paint and my bmi (look online and work it out) was a tad high causing snoring, which in turn causes constant toilet trips at night plus waking with headaches. 35+ grafting has taken its toll and at 52 I worry I can't continue. Currently using the free lose it app and 10lb lighter. Got another 10lb to go. 2000 calories a day is plenty and it is not hard to eat well and fall under I've discovered, while my snoring as eased (recorded on app) and not getting up at night now.

Don't really drink and avoid caffeine after 6pm.

As for mental health go find answers. Listen to podcasts or watch youtube. We all want to know why we think like we do and why people behave they way they do so go find out. Also get ways of helping yourself and dealing with your own problems. Knollage is power you can use to finish your time here much happier...
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