How would heaven work?

Found in the desert many years ago mainly unpublished due to the fact it contradicts many of the gospels.

there are plenty of these, but generally pre-Christian.

so tell us what this imaginary book is, that you have in mind.
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Discourse here
by people who appear to be interested and are possibly better informed than those hereabouts.
btw it is in Leviticus, and I can confidently say that nobody believes and practices what Leviticus says fully and precisely.
Not surprised.
Religious nutters have always picked and chosen which bits of the off-the shelf morality they were prepared to put up with, and rationalised away the rest.
The Christian concept of sitting around on a cloud strumming a harp for eternity struck me as a bloody boring way to spend eternity, so the Celtic idea of Tír na nÓg, where endless nights of drinking, dancing, singing and storytelling gets my vote.
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The Christian concept of sitting around on a cloud strumming a harp for eternity struck me as a bloody boring way to spend eternity, so the Celtic idea of Tír na nÓg, where endless nights of drinking, dancing, singing and storytelling gets my vote.
Na, too many other people to deal with.
A bit of haunting could be ok.
But, if heaven does exist, how exactly would it work? - Surely if there's any semblance of consciousness in heaven then the construct can't work?
When people talk about consciousness, or the mind, it’s always a bit nebulous. Whether we create consciousness in our brains as a function of our neurons firing, or consciousness exists independently of us, there’s no universally accepted scientific explanation for where it comes from or where it lives. However, new research on the physics, anatomy, and geometry of consciousness has begun to reveal its possible form.

In other words, we may soon be able to identify a true architecture of consciousness.

The new work builds upon a theory Nobel Prize-winning physicist Roger Penrose, Ph.D., and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, M.D., first posited in the 1990s: the Orchestrated Objective Reduction theory (Orch OR). Broadly, it claims that consciousness is a quantum process facilitated by microtubules in the brain’s nerve cells.

My Gran reckoned she would be reunited with her first hubby. She brought it up once and I said just that:

"You're going to meet Harold (first husband who died in hospital after being given penicillin he was allergic to) in Heaven, but what about Frank (husband number two)?

"They'll just have to get on", she quipped.
You will be dead for Billions and Billions and Billions of years.

Have a nice day.
whilst in heaven
Person from history ? Would you like to meet and have a chat with ??
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