How's your luck with Premium Bonds?

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Over the last year or so, about 1% in prizes, as expected.

Since this is lower than inflation, and since inflation is on the up, I plan to cash them in, rather than allowing their value to be eroded
That’s the rational investment decision but premium bonds are my only form of gambling where you don’t lose the bet. Plus I’ve won a three figure sum three months in a row, never having won more than £25 before so here’s hoping

Over the last year or so, about 1% in prizes, as expected.

Since this is lower than inflation, and since inflation is on the up, I plan to cash them in, rather than allowing their value to be eroded
:unsure: Yes John. As you keep telling us, the premium bond prize fund is way lower than inflation. You're constantly telling us how bad they are yet 18 months after that post you’re still saying you’re winning each month. Strange. Very strange.
:unsure: Yes John. As you keep telling us, the premium bond prize fund is way lower than inflation. You're constantly telling us how bad they are yet 18 months after that post you’re still saying you’re winning each month. Strange. Very strange.
Obviously it must take more than 18 months to sell them.
Your claim is not true.
Well maybe it just feels like it! £100 this month, £150 last month. You’re not doing too bad in something you’ve made a point of telling everyone they are mugs for having money in as it’s constantly devaluing and that you were getting out of 18 months ago. Fingers crossed for next month eh?
Obviously it must take more than 18 months to sell them.

I sold most over a year ago, and now have about enough to cover a large annual bill due in Autumn.

If you look back, you will find I mention that is useful to have a cash cushion sufficient for major expenses, for those of us fortunate enough to have it.

There is no denying that holding cash savings that earn less than inflation is a guaranteed way to get poorer.
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