I’m doing well today.

Yep that is a prime example of the two tire admin of here - totally abusive post from ellal and your defence back is removed and labelled "tedious vendetta

I had 3 posts removed on the grounds of them being abuse. They simply said:

'we sleep safely at night because rough men visit violence on those who would do us harm'.

Two of those were posts within threads, 1 was a new thread I started asking the mods what the hell was going on. I then started another thread with that as a title and it was allowed to stand.

Nosy, Notch, Ellal etc are allowed to dish out personal abuse ad infinitum with no recourse on them whatsoever, don't even get me started on the left wing MO of antisemitism.

After my permanent banning from the zion thread, I think mottie was the last man standing as pro Israel, I suspect he's banned now. So all that remains is a consortium of left wing circle jerkers (your term boys) bringing each other to orgasm with ever increasingly anti Israel posts.

Can you lefties not see how sad that makes you look.

Add to that creepy people sending you friendly PM's before turning on you in the main forum, there's some sick puppies on this forum that's for sure.
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