I don't know which bit is more nuts..

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The £30k in legal aid or the idiot who wants to marry this killer.
What a shock!
Criminals find ways to question the law. :rolleyes:

Having the right to challenge officials decisions is part of the process of upholding Human Rights. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Having the right to marry is not the same as having conjugal rights.
A prisoner does not have conjugal rights in UK, irrespective of their marital status.

So why prevent a whole life prisoner from getting married?
If the marriage ceremony creates any security risk, whether in the ceremony, or to the intended partner, then don't allow it. That was the existing situation.

But if a prisoner wants to be married, and they have no conjugal rights, and someone is daft enough to marry them, I fail to see the harm in it.
If they were married before their sentence, they would remain married.
Can anyone point out any potential harm in a whole-life prisoner being married. Otherwise, why do we allow married people prior to their sentence to remain married?

And we should not deny people the right to question their human rights. It's a civilised society, which means we live by the rules, even if we don't like the rules.
Why the F##k do we pander to these people they should be thrown down a deep dark hole, what is it in French "oubliete", human rights be bo##ox he's not human !
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Why do we make things so complicated.

Been a naughty boy/girl?
Find yourself in prison for x months/years/life?
You cannot get married until released. If never released then you can never get married.

Job done. Next ...
If you don't want to abide by the rules of society, why should you benefit from it?
They are free to marry any person they choose (apart from those locked up forever for being serial killers and rapist).

Bellfield is unavailable, just like Frankie Bridge is unavailable to me.

I hope for their own sake, they are not female and blonde. I do wonder if there is a financial element to this request. Inheritance, assets etc.
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