I just don't believe Jamelia.

Charles Manson?
"Brian Hugh Warner (born January 5, 1969), known professionally as Marilyn Manson"
Manson was charged with sexual misconduct
he has been described as "the highest profile Satanist ever" with strong anti-Christian views and social Darwinist leanings


Nationalism, Industrialization, and Democracy, 1815-1914
edited by Thomas Garden Barnes, Gerald D. Feldman
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Being a sexual person who has the opportunity to abuse and believes he, she or other will not be caught.
Being a sexual person? You mean not being asexual, or not being non-binary gender?

Nothing to do with racism then?

So why the raising of it in a discussion about racism, police brutality, protests, etc?

"the opportunity to abuse and believes he, she or other will not be caught."
Agreed. Would you also add "and being in a position to wield a degree of power over the victim"?
Being a sexual person? You mean not being asexual, or not being non-binary gender?

Nothing to do with racism then?

Of course it hasn't... Yet those young girls were sexualy and racially abused... As well as the Sikh girls.
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Of course it hasn't... Yet those young girls were sexualy and racially abused... As well as the Sikh girls.
Strictly speaking, they were of an age to allow consensual sex. Sure they were vulnerable. Sure they were groomed and plied with alcohol, etc. Sure they were exploited because of their vulnerability.
But there is no suggestion that they were racially abused, as far as I can recollect.
Additionally, I'm sure that such gangs would have exploited Asian, and other BAME girls, had the opportunity arisen, had such girls been allowed to become vulnerable.

In comparison, the abuse that was perpetrated within the Catholic Church and various childrens homes, not to mention the supposed orphanages etc for unmarried mothers, the victims were under age. They were sexually abused by those that were supposed to be caring for their welfare. They were exploited by the very people who had authority over them. And there were vastly more victims, in this country and others, than the victims of grooming by Asian gangs. The number of victims of Asian grooming gangs pales into insignificance, when compared to the number of perpetrators of sexual abuse, not to mention the number of victims, of the various religious organisations.

If we agree that those crimes had nothing to do with racism, why are so many posters so keen to throw them into the discussion about racism?
It's a rhetorical question.
The answer is because they want to excuse and justify racism.
Quite obviously racism predates those crimes by several hundreds of years.
Now which posters keep bringing up those crimes by Asian grooming gangs, as an excuse and justification for racism?
That is another rhetorical question, if you want it to be.
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Interestingly, both the PM and the Health Secretary condemn the protests, and draw the attention to the public disorder and violence. At the same time completely ignoring what the protests are about, pretending that racism does not exist in UK.
Yet only a few months ago, they were the very ones who were pointing the finger, and shouting "anti-semitism"
All of a sudden racism is off their agenda, and they want it out of their sight.
If we agree that those crimes had nothing to do with racism, why are so many posters so keen to throw them into the discussion about racism?
deflection and whataboutery is why.

RWR always bring up Asian grooming gangs, its their go to argument.
Interestingly, both the PM and the Health Secretary condemn the protests, and draw the attention to the public disorder and violence. At the same time completely ignoring what the protests are about, pretending that racism does not exist in UK.
Yet only a few months ago, they were the very ones who were pointing the finger, and shouting "anti-semitism"
All of a sudden racism is off their agenda, and they want it out of their sight.
perhaps racism became less important to them because of the way it was protested. maybe the disorder, violence, barbarity and threat to lives through the disregard for the safety of the public became the over riding factor . maybe if the protestors took to the streets in a civilised manner , observing law and order , respectful of police , property and lockdown and social distancing their racism protests would have been given the attention you think it deserves.
Strictly speaking, they were of an age to allow consensual sex. Sure they were vulnerable. Sure they were groomed and plied with alcohol, etc. Sure they were exploited because of their vulnerability.
But there is no suggestion that they were racially abused, as far as I can recollect.
Additionally, I'm sure that such gangs would have exploited Asian, and other BAME girls, had the opportunity arisen, had such girls been allowed to become vulnerable.

In comparison, the abuse that was perpetrated within the Catholic Church and various childrens homes, not to mention the supposed orphanages etc for unmarried mothers, the victims were under age. They were sexually abused by those that were supposed to be caring for their welfare. They were exploited by the very people who had authority over them. And there were vastly more victims, in this country and others, than the victims of grooming by Asian gangs. The number of victims of Asian grooming gangs pales into insignificance, when compared to the number of perpetrators of sexual abuse, not to mention the number of victims, of the various religious organisations.

If we agree that those crimes had nothing to do with racism, why are so many posters so keen to throw them into the discussion about racism?
It's a rhetorical question.
The answer is because they want to excuse and justify racism.
Quite obviously racism predates those crimes by several hundreds of years.
Now which posters keep bringing up those crimes by Asian grooming gangs, as an excuse and justification for racism?
That is another rhetorical question, if you want it to be.
Strictly speaking, they were of an age to allow consensual sex
WRONG. some were under 13 years of age.
perhaps racism became less important to them because of the way it was protested. maybe the disorder, violence, barbarity and threat to lives through the disregard for the safety of the public became the over riding factor . maybe if the protestors took to the streets in a civilised manner , observing law and order , respectful of police , property and lockdown and social distancing their racism protests would have been given the attention you think it deserves.
Supposae we re-phrase your comment:
"maybe the disorder, violence, barbarity and threat to lives through the disregard for the safety of the public became the over riding factor that motivated the protesters. Maybe if the police carried out their duty in a civilised manner , observing law and order , respectful of public , property ...their racism protests would not have been needed.
Strictly speaking, they were of an age to allow consensual sex
Yes, sorry, I just checked, and you are correct.
some were under 13 years of age.
I understand the youngest was 13 years old.

But my assertion still pertains, these crimes are in no way connected or related to the crimes of racial violence and racism in general.
I repeat, they are regurgitated as an excuse and to justify racism, even though racism, and associated violence, predates these crimes by several hundred years.
Supposae we re-phrase your comment:
"maybe the disorder, violence, barbarity and threat to lives through the disregard for the safety of the public became the over riding factor that motivated the protesters. Maybe if the police carried out their duty in a civilised manner , observing law and order , respectful of public , property ...their racism protests would not have been needed.
and suppose we analyse your rephrasing of my comment and say that every day police are faced with ‘animals’ of every colour and creed and are indeed themselves merely running in survival mode. lets take George Floyd as the example, a giant in stature with an alleged history of drug abuse and offences including armed robbery against the most vulnerable. you get the call and wonder to yourself , is today the day George has a gun in his trousers and uses it to shoot me in the face? Georges lawlessness and disregard for human decency was his undoing. Now all across the globe we see Georges supporters of all colours with a similar attitude and lack of moral compass which will innevitably leave a nasty taste in the mouths of people who didn’t even see colour in the first place.
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