Why does it have to be bandwagon jumping or following the crowd just because someone doesn't like James Blunt? I hate the vile **** (it's my own choice to do so!), and I hate even more the vile, lazy, can't-be-ar*ed-to-search-out-real-talent music business scum that have thrust him into the limelight.
So he has a good voice? So do lots of 'normal' people. Doesn't mean that you should like what they are singing. His music is intensely dull, says absolutely s** all, doesn't motivate or stir any emotion other than anger, and anyone who likes him 'needs to get out more', musically speaking.
I also concur with Solo's choice of music (although not for chilling out!) Having said that, James cockney-rhyming-slang's music makes me more likely to go on a shooting spree in a school than listening to Slipknot.
If you want to 'chill out' get some B.O.C. (no, not Blue Oyster Cult)
Having said that (another one) anyone who would buy James Blunts music before any record by Blue Oyster Cult has seriously missed a trick.