I quit

Newgas. I really think there's a forum addiction. I also think there is a fantasy side to it where people can change their identities and play with their personalities, for whatever reason I don't know. Perhaps they think they're smarter than the rest ...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

FFS i hope you are wrong, if this is the best we can make up to make ourselves sound exciting what must we REALLY be like :eek:
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Its sad but true, a lot of people live such uninteresting life that they need this to make themselve seem the slight bit interesting.

Thats why i dont need to post on forums......wait, dame oh well maybe i live a dull life
how do i remove myself from this forum as this is not the place for me
Sorry you feel that way, just cease posting, I think is the only way.

Good luck for the future.

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Its sad but true, a lot of people live such uninteresting life that they need this to make themselve seem the slight bit interesting.

Well, it works for me.

Little do you know that securespark is just an old dried up mouldy cat t*rd. Well, it makes me feel better about myself and if you told me that in my shoes you wouldn't do it, then you're a liar.

So there.
Hypocracy= A democracy governed by hypocrites.

From hypo- "below normal" and -cracy "a type of government". Coined from a misspelling of hypocrisy (claiming moral standards to which one does not conform).

The UN advocates moral standards to which it does not conform. The current global political system is therefore a hypocracy.
Demanding that others live up to standards that you will not live up to.

What Democracy turns into when all of the politicians in your country are liars.

When no party/President that wins the election manages to keep its/his own ideology, and instead, keeps changing it every time it/he feels like it, that's no democracy. That's hypocracy.

Senaturd Clinton says she will take things from you in the name of the public good. But she will not yield her money or her possessions in the name of the public good. That's hypocracy.

Speaker Nancy Pelousy says unions are good, unions are great, unions are wonderful. But she will not allow union members to work in her restaurant or her winery. That's hypocracy
'When we stand for truth, are we only then, truly corrected'.

Even if sometimes it's not palatable. ;)

Peace To All.

YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!?? Come back, all is forgiven....

like, when did skitzee2k become shifty22?
Off my high-horse now. Sadly I've had to use a new username since after cancelling the last one, admin has yet to get around to re-activating it.

What have I missed?
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