I Think...

If the torries hold on and I think they won’t. I think they will only do it by delivery in the next 12 months.

If labour get in and I think they might. We will see a similar implosion as momentum try to get control again.

I hope who ever gets in has a very small minority - because history says that they work harder to keep their rule/jobs.

Cameron’s con/lib govt was one of my favourites. As they watered down each others crazy. The torrries led by BJ literally grasped defeat from the jaws of victory. All they had to do, is get on with the work.
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Cameron’s con/lib govt was one of my favourites. As they watered down each others crazy.

I concur.
PR anyone?

The torrries led by BJ literally grasped defeat from the jaws of victory. All they had to do, is get on with the work.

That was the problem; they didn't have any work in them.
Too busy looking for the next trough, or grift.
human nature.

We all work harder with the wolves at the door.

But you have to respect democracy on PR. It was offered, measured, voted on and quite strongly rejected.
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human nature.

We all work harder with the wolves at the door.

I heard a podcast about Parkinson's Law, a while back.
(Simply put, Parkinson's Law states that "Work expands, to consume all of the resources available for its completion".)

The topic of working-from-home came up, and the commentator - Parkinson's son, IIRC - said that Parkinson's Law had now split into two camps of worker:

- "the unconcerned, when unobserved, work shrinks to the time required for its completion"
- (for the worried), "work expands to fill all of the available working hours" (and often beyond).

Group 1 therefore get their work done - and, being unobserved as they would be in the office - do not bother with "looking busy" (shuffling paper, and the like), but instead spend the rest of their working day at genuine leisure.

For Group 2, the boundaries between work and home became blurred, and so they overcompensate (for fear of being accused of slacking).
These people were termed "Stakhanovites" (soviet-era workers, who were especially industrious).