I was in a Hezbollah tunnel

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we need to reopen arm supplies to Israel - surely no one can say they are not allowed to fight back against this terrorist scum
surely no one can say they are not allowed to fight back against this terrorist scum

Perhaps Israel's neighbours need to fight back against its attacks and invasions, and state-supported terrorism

I gather you support armed retaliation
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Perhaps Israel's neighbours need to fight back against its attacks and invasions, and state-supported terrorism

I gather you support armed retaliation
wow - you're going to be on the side of Hezzbolala as well as hamas?
who else do you support, Houtis, Taliban, ISIS, Iran, Al Quaida, Boku Horam - or do you support anyone who attacks Israel ?
That's odd.

Why are you assuming that defence and retaliation only work one way?

You're the one who expressed your support for it.

Are you saying now that it is wrong?
I’m looking for a well balanced debate please.

If you quote, please don’t crop it.
I'd like to suggest a pause to consider...

Perhaps dividing the world into good people and bad people, then justifying killing the bad people...

...is not part of the solution..

...and even as I write this, I must admit that one thing we perhaps all have in common, whatever position we take, is that each of us believes we're 'on the side of the angels'.

Perhaps we might put ourselves in the shoes of those we disagree with here on this thread, and admit, even if only to ourselves, that there may be some way in which they may have a point.

Whether we're Arabic or Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian, Lebanese, British or whatever - we all hurt when we're attacked, and are all furious when those we're allied with (in whatever sense) are torn apart.

Perhaps stretching a little grown up compassion for the other may be helpful...
I’m looking for a well balanced debate please.

If you quote, please don’t crop it.

I have the right to point up the relevant remark.

allowed to fight back

Are you another person who supports armed retaliation? Escalation of deadly force? Attacks on civilians? Random bombings and shootings? Killing of schoolchildren?

Where do you stand on the destruction of clinics, hospitals and cemeteries?
Whether we're Arabic or Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian, Lebanese, British or whatever - we all hurt when we're attacked, and are all furious when those we're allied with (in whatever sense) are torn apart.

Perhaps stretching a little grown up compassion for the other may be helpful...
If only you could have said this to the Palestinians on October 6th….
Perhaps stretching a little grown up compassion for the other may be helpful...
I’ve condemned both sides numerous times.

All I’m trying to do with this thread is point out Isreal are just as much the victims as Palestine.

But it’s almost impossible in the GD.
The Nazis did the same thing in the second world war building tunnels and infrastructure that were very hard to bomb. The Israelis were going to flood them in Gaza with seawater. But that is one of the reasons the hostages were taken by Gaza. To put the hostages in the tunnels to stop them being flooded. Killing your own hostages would not have been acceptable to most of the outside world.
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That's odd.

Why are you assuming that defence and retaliation only work one way?

You're the one who expressed your support for it.

Are you saying now that it is wrong?
this past year it is hezz who is taking the fight to Israel - Israel have been remarkably retrained.
the point has come where they are now justified, and if the civilian population of lebonanan is allowing the Hezz to hide amongst them, then bigger fool them
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