I was in a Hezbollah tunnel

It's a shame that journalism has been so destroyed in Gaza and the West Bank, then we might see some of the atrocities inflicted on Palestinians by Israel over the last several decades.

Even today any chance of peace talks or truce is following the same pattern as the Camp David talks, between Israel and PLO, hosted by Bill Clinton.
Israel then kept changing their position making any agreement impossible.
Each time Ehud Barak reported back the agreements reached he was told by the hard-liners in Israel that his agreement was unacceptable.

And on, and on it went.
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we need to reopen arm supplies to Israel - surely no one can say they are not allowed to fight back against this terrorist scum
We need to stop all arms supply to Israel, and the USA to do the same.

It's total double standards, and double speak, by USA, calling for a ceasefire, and yet a month ago USA agreed a $20Billion arms aid, and more this week, while Israel are the aggressors, and always have been, from day 1. There is no limit nor instruction on how those arms can be used.
Then specifying and limiting the supply of, and how Ukraine may use the weapons supplied, but Ukraine are not the aggressors.

In addition US has agreed to resupply the ammunition used in Gaza, so that Israel can do exactly the same in Lebanon.
Washington has announced that it will replenish Israel's ammunition used in the recent war against Hamas

Israel continues to provoke Iran into a full scale Middle East conflict, and it appears that USA is content to accompany Israel while calling for a ceasefire at the same time.

President Biden is not a lame duck president, he and Netanyahu are leaders intent on prolonging and escalating the conflict in the Middle east.
if the civilian population of lebonanan is allowing the Hezz to hide amongst them, then bigger fool them
Allowing them?
That assumes that the civilian population know who these people are and that they could stop them if they wanted to....
wow - you're going to be on the side of Hezzbolala as well as hamas?
who else do you support, Houtis, Taliban, ISIS, Iran, Al Quaida, Boku Horam - or do you support anyone who attacks Israel ?
Here we go, if you don't support the Israeli aggression, you must be a terrorist.
Yet again reasonable, intelligent discussion has been exhausted so out come the anti-Semitic, terrorist accusations.
Utterly pathetic.
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Here we go, if you don't support the Israeli aggression, you must be a terrorist.
Yet again reasonable, intelligent discussion has been exhausted so out come the anti-Semitic, terrorist accusations.
Utterly pathetic.
So you laugh at others' posts, then go straight in for a one-sided accusation - sorry, but how is this 'reasonable, intelligent discussion'?
At least they'd be safe from Israeli indiscriminate bombing.

Oh, no wait, the Israelis flooded the tunnels with gas, irrespective of any hostages kept there.

Maybe that's why Netanyahu has no intent on agreeing a ceasefire with Hamas in exchange for the hostages. Maybe he already knows that the hostages are probably dead from Israeli gas, or friendly fire.
Naaah, he couldn't know that, his intelligence network is totally blind of Hamas movements, they knew nothing of the 7th October incursion.
But they apparently know of the precise positions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran movements. :rolleyes:
So you laugh at others' posts, then go straight in for a one-sided accusation - sorry, but how is this 'reasonable, intelligent discussion'?
I respect your intelligence and appreciate your criticism, StephenStephen.

Are you criticising my laughing at nwgs2 request for a balanced intelligent discussion, or the criticism of the name-calling?

If you think for one moment that nwgs2 is capable of a balanced, intelligent discussion, you haven't been paying attention lately.

If its criticism about the tactics of accusing others of being terrorist supporters because they have an alternative opinion of Israeli aggression, is not conducive to a balanced nor healthy discussion, then you are again wide of the mark.
Tactics like that are purely an offensive, abusive accusation, with absolutely no shred of evidence to support it.
It's in the same category as calling others Jew-haters for objecting to Israeli aggression.
At least they'd be safe from Israeli indiscriminate bombing.

Oh, no wait, the Israelis flooded the tunnels with gas, irrespective of any hostages kept there.

Maybe that's why Netanyahu has no intent on agreeing a ceasefire with Hamas in exchange for the hostages. Maybe he already knows that the hostages are probably dead from Israeli gas, or friendly fire.
Naaah, he couldn't know that, his intelligence network is totally blind of Hamas movements, they knew nothing of the 7th October incursion.
But they apparently know of the precise positions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran movements. :rolleyes:
I would respectfully suggest that this jeering toned one sided analysis is not reasonable intelligent discussion, and that you have the capacity to do better than this, so please do!
I'd like to suggest a pause to consider...

Perhaps dividing the world into good people and bad people, then justifying killing the bad people...

...is not part of the solution..

...and even as I write this, I must admit that one thing we perhaps all have in common, whatever position we take, is that each of us believes we're 'on the side of the angels'.

Perhaps we might put ourselves in the shoes of those we disagree with here on this thread, and admit, even if only to ourselves, that there may be some way in which they may have a point.

Whether we're Arabic or Jewish, Israeli, Palestinian, Lebanese, British or whatever - we all hurt when we're attacked, and are all furious when those we're allied with (in whatever sense) are torn apart.

Perhaps stretching a little grown up compassion for the other may be helpful...
But while the supporters of aggression continue to post their twisted version of history, I trust you'll excuse those of us who not only remember a different version of history, and have and can research that history to support their version, but also can see the enormous unbalanced slaughter and destruction committed by one side, supported by a world power, that is in no way 'proportional'.

While some twist and misrepresent history, we have an obligation to challenge and correct their version.
But while the supporters of aggression continue to post their twisted version of history, I trust you'll excuse those of us who not only remember a different version of history, and have and can research that history to support their version, but also can see the enormous unbalanced slaughter and destruction committed by one side, supported by a world power, that is in no way 'proportional'.

While some twist and misrepresent history, we have an obligation to challenge and correct their version.
It’s true that historical narratives are often subject to interpretation, and the way history is framed can shape public opinion and influence contemporary events. It's essential to challenge misrepresentations and seek a more balanced, truthful understanding, especially when it comes to complex, conflict-ridden issues. Often, the versions of history put forth can be selective or biased, depending on the source, which is why careful research, critical analysis, and contextual understanding are vital to uncovering the full story.

Conflicts, especially those supported or exacerbated by global powers, can be particularly fraught with misinformation or one-sided perspectives. Understanding the broader historical and political context, along with the lived experiences and tragedies of all involved, can help ensure a more nuanced view of events. The obligation to challenge distorted versions of history is not just about defending accuracy but also about advocating for justice, empathy, and informed decision-making in the present.
I would respectfully suggest that this jeering toned one sided analysis is not reasonable intelligent discussion, and that you have the capacity to do better than this, so please do!
Thank you for your response. But I note you choose to criticise my tone, and at the same time fail to notice the unacceptable, abusive, offensive and false accusations made by Munroast.
wow - you're going to be on the side of Hezzbolala as well as hamas?
who else do you support, Houtis, Taliban, ISIS, Iran, Al Quaida, Boku Horam - or do you support anyone who attacks Israel ?
Aren't your criticisms in danger of becoming a little one-sided in this discussion?

Or perhaps you didn't like me mentioning the use of gas by the Israelis?
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