ID cards are coming!

Well, the only thing I can say Ellal (why does that always remind me of the Bijlermeer disaster?) is that in my memory form day one on we had carry an ID-card and all people I know didn't have a problem with that, cause they were already used to having drivers lincence etc with them.
As for 14 - 18 years old, most (I knew) had an ID (small, simple passport instead of full passport) anyway (traveling abroad in weekends - hollidays etc).

But anyway, been living here since 2000 :LOL: :LOL:
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If that's the case, then why have people only been stopped and fined since jan 1st 2005?..and people getting cards that they didn't previously have?

I have info from dutch friends who disagree about the interpretation of 'compulsory', and when it began..

But that aside, the dutch system is not (yet) the intrusive one that the UK will be getting..I have no objection about carrying ID. What I do have an objection with is that every time I have to produce it (medical, services, banking and eventually transport, private companies), then it's recorded. And that produces an audit trail - a checkable list of your activities day-in day-out..many say that info is already available - true to a limited extent. But not linkable, and able to be accessed by any one of a thousand departments, whether it is relevant or not to their operation.

And that info WILL be sold on (like it already happens with the DVLA..). And what other info will be added?..religion perhaps - well moslems may well become the 'new jews'! Or how about DNA? - the insurance companies would love to get their hands on that info!

This scheme is dangerous because it WILL be exploited - show me a government that hasn't ever abused it's power. And the old adage is even more true today than ever - information IS power!
Ellal, I agree, basically I have no objection to carrying a form of id, but the big brother thing has gone too far, I dont want my life monitored, influenced and controlled by my 'superiors'. :evil:
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Well it would appear that my comment about the clinically paranoid has come true then. :LOL:

Why oh why do you disagree with cards? The benefits of a PROPERLY introduced, CONTROLLED and MANAGED system far and away outweigh any potential percieved hardship to the individual.

I do agree that the Biometric gumph spoken of about 12 months ago is nonsence and not required, but there is no reason why we cannot have a compulsory ID card that doubles as a driving licence and Euro-passport.

I would not advocate giving the Police powers (In the LONG term) to randomly stop people to check ID's, unless their reasons met the current standard. However I would have issued to the police a GSM card reader that can check the validity of the card etc, but also record that swipe to be downloaded to a computer at the station. It would then allow the public to see whether the Police are being biased in the type, religion, race, sex of people they stop and thus address such disparity.

The current system relies on the PC to record the details manually, a flawed system, but automatic logging gets over that.

I don't think I would have a problem of having the Police have the Powers to randomly stop anyone in the SHORT term only, say two years, to allow the identification and removal of Illegals, arrest of the wanted and pretty much cleaning up of our society..well as a start anyway.

I think people need to stop the knee jerk reaction of this supposed big brother state and consider all sides of the story. Big brother is coming regardless, much is already here, so why not force the Government to do it on OUR terms and in a way that benefits us.
it will be interesting to see how long it will take for copys to come out

how much for a forged id card ? 500 1000

all a total waste of time and money if you need one and cant get one legally then cash will get you one very easily therebye makeing the whole idea of id cards redundant

in the north east you can buy hand guns for less than 1000 38 or 9 mm how soon will it be before id cards will be available ? IMMEDIATLY i would say

i wont carry one but then again i never stop for the police when i am having fun do u > ? :LOL:
Big_Spark said:
Well it would appear that my comment about the clinically paranoid has come true then. :LOL:
trumped by the incredibly naiive?... ;)

Why oh why do you disagree with cards? The benefits of a PROPERLY introduced, CONTROLLED and MANAGED system far and away outweigh any potential percieved hardship to the individual.

Maybe again you havn't read my posts...

cards=no problem. The NIR database=big problems!

The government has done such a good job at pulling the wool over so many people's eyes, and concentrated on the physical card - it has got nothing to do with that. Otherwise, why would the recent compromise/surrender have been passed if it wasn't for the fact that regardless of whether you get a card or not, your biometrics and data will be recorded on the NIR - is that sinking in yet?

I don't think I would have a problem of having the Police have the Powers to randomly stop anyone in the SHORT term only, say two years, to allow the identification and removal of Illegals, arrest of the wanted and pretty much cleaning up of our society..well as a start anyway.

You really think that it will be an efficient way of achieving what you think is a problem?..

And then to say:

I would not advocate giving the Police powers (In the LONG term) to randomly stop people to check ID's, unless their reasons met the current standard.

is just plain daft..What powers, when given to the police have ever been recinded?..

I think people need to stop the knee jerk reaction of this supposed big brother state and consider all sides of the story. Big brother is coming regardless, much is already here, so why not force the Government to do it on OUR terms and in a way that benefits us.

Please spell out the benefits to an individual...If you swallow the idea about being able to prove who we are, then I've got news for you - most people already know who they are, and have enough ways of proving it. The number of times you will be required to 'prove who you are' is down to government regulation, not in the publics interest!

it will be interesting to see how long it will take for copys to come out

how much for a forged id card ? 500 1000
During a test of an RFID card system, the card was 'cracked' within 6 days - and false data sent back to the main database. This will be a forgers paradise!
Slogger said:
all a total waste of time and money if you need one and cant get one legally then cash will get you one very easily therebye makeing the whole idea of id cards redundant
:eek: :eek: :eek: Blimey, I'm agreeing with slogger :!: :LOL: ;)
Id's card been mention before, read here
ID cards +HATEFUL IDEA ...

as an ex GMBU trade union leader at the old gas board ...

this goes against everything British .. freedom of speach ...rights to roam , etc ...
its just a stealth tax ,like the community charge every one needs to pay ..

(Trafalgar Square again anyone ;) ;) )
they say costs are either £330 ..or if we can get it down

(bless their cotton socks , :) )

£230 updated yearly if the cards are some how hacked an copied , oh my
these new isometric IT fancy id cards were hakked in 30 mins one reporter at the launch even handed over Prescotts id with the reporters details on ... he was bundled away as a terror suspect being MED/arab looks but from Malta birth ,lol, later released ... :(

this was silenced in a D Notice ....

the press are not allowed to mention ANYTHING IN THE INTEREST OF BRITISH INTEL ... :( :( :(

loads of journo net boards are buzzing with this still how our Govt are so WRONG

costs are min £30 but the "Govt Admin cost " will be over £200 a year , an go up each year ... thats is a tax in anyones eyes ...

WAKE UP BRITAIN,as a poet said years ago ..stolen by the V film lol



mate of Cromwell
I,d cards wouldn't bother me i've got nothing to hide etc.. the only bit would be paying for it myself, :evil:, I know who i am so why should i pay for someone to know every thing about me. :LOL:
every year £200 .. going up like the community charge ... you what

Im getting my old sweat shirt an running keks an maggie mask for the Fight ....
*taxi too London for moz*
markie said:
I,d cards wouldn't bother me i've got nothing to hide etc.. the only bit would be paying for it myself, :evil:, I know who i am so why should i pay for someone to know every thing about me. :LOL:

So you'd have no objection to posting here your name, address (and every place you've lived), where you shop, how many times a week you visit the off licence/pub, where you travel too, what health services you've accessed, your tax office/details, what benefits you may have claimed etc - and that's just for starters..

After all, you've got nothing to hide have you?... :rolleyes:
no worries I collat that any way

wether they want it known or not ....;) ;)
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