ID cards are coming!

dg123 said:
How does the issue of ID cards affect those who do not hold a UK passport? The only mention I have heard of getting an ID card is when someone renews or applies for a passport.
From 2008, anyone renewing their passport can opt for an ID card as well, but even if you don't get one, you pay for the card!..But that is irrelevant, because entry on the NIR will be compulsory, and that is the bad part of the whole scheme..

Clarke has said that if Nu Labour win the election, it will become compulsory to get an ID card/be put on the register irrespective of whether you have to renew your passport or not - and that is when the mass roundup of the UK population will start..

However, there is the grey area of 'designated documents'..Clarke may force you onto the register if you have to get/renew one. But they havn't been defined yet, so it may be a CRB check, driving licence etc..
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ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
Something so idiotic and patently untrue that one might as well try to reason with a brick.

all i wrote is true and u well know it

shame on u for hiding behind a veil of personal insults cant you get off the high horse sometimes :LOL:

This is what you wrote:

Slogger said:
returning illegal fugees would not cost as much as you say BAS

we can do send them back the way they came here in the back of trucks through the tunnel then kick them out in france for a fraction of the cost you said
No, we can't.

You might wish that we could, but your wishing does not change the fact that the laws and procedures we have mean that we can't do that.

You might wish that we didn't have those laws and procedures, but your wishing does not change the fact that we do have them.

So saying that we can do that is untrue.

as for taxes

there are very few fugees paying tax but loads taking out hard earned tax in the form of handouts and health benfits
Completely false - go and look at the government statistics.

kick them out asap and save a fortune on the NHS
Shall we also kick out 29% of the NHS' doctors and 40% of its nurses?
well then

we might not be in a position to do that to the illegals but it will come and come soon they will be treat very harshly and will be sent back to the first friendly country ie france from there france will have them to contend with

i am all for locking them up with absolute minimum food and water and no health treatment at all

till they ask to go back where they came from

no problems.
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
ban-all-sheds said:
Slogger said:
Something so idiotic and patently untrue that one might as well try to reason with a brick.

all i wrote is true and u well know it

shame on u for hiding behind a veil of personal insults cant you get off the high horse sometimes :LOL:

This is what you wrote:

Slogger said:
returning illegal fugees would not cost as much as you say BAS

we can do send them back the way they came here in the back of trucks through the tunnel then kick them out in france for a fraction of the cost you said
No, we can't.

You might wish that we could, but your wishing does not change the fact that the laws and procedures we have mean that we can't do that.

You might wish that we didn't have those laws and procedures, but your wishing does not change the fact that we do have them.

So saying that we can do that is untrue.

as for taxes

there are very few fugees paying tax but loads taking out hard earned tax in the form of handouts and health benfits
Completely false - go and look at the government statistics.

kick them out asap and save a fortune on the NHS
Shall we also kick out 29% of the NHS' doctors and 40% of its nurses?

Ban all Sheds, you are nothing but an offensive and obsessive crank, you must be walking around with your eyes and ears permanantly closed. I strongly resent your continually accusing me of racism. For the benefit of those who may of missed it, here is my post again.

I challenge anyone to find anything racist in it.

Lets be generous with this guess and call it the lower figure of 310,000.
Lets be even more generous and assume they are all married even though we know most aren't.

So we will assume we have 155,000 married couples, who could stay until they retire.

Basic state pension, excluding any other benefits, is £131-20 per week for a couple.
So £131.20X52 weeks is £6822-40 PA,per couple.

To be honest my calculator is now struggling with the size of the figures, but 6822-40X155000 comes out at 10574720.

Is there any allowance for these costs in your figures?

You will note this is only one cost, if as you say these people are low paid they will probably get pension credit which may well pay their rent. If they have any health problems they will get attendance allowance of at least circa £40 a week.

Sorry BAS, I agree with you regarding the dubious benefits of having ID cards, but unfortuately I can't say the same on your other points, certainly not on the figures as presented, anyway.

Where did your figures come from BAS?

The truth, which any reasonable person recognises, is the government wants the working man to work years longer, because they say they can't afford to pay a pension.

The NHS is making redundances left right and centre, because it is cash strapped and overladen with the wrong type of staff.

We have bone idle teenage baby machines sat on their rumps and given houses for nothing. Plus countless thousands on the sick who shouldn't be.

We are not short of people to do the menial work you mentioned, we are short of leaders with the will to make them do it.

Get off your high horse BAS and look around you, this pathetic Government (just like previous ones) is building massive problems for future generations. Its wrong, its selfish and it wants stopping too.
Big_Spark said:
Excellent idea, make them compulsory and kick out all the blooming Illegal immigrants.
Good idea. In fact, every majority group could get to kick out a minority group of their choosing! Perhaps this would put paid to overweight electricians?

Big_Spark said:
Even the Gov reckons it costs us £30 Billion a year, so the scheme would pay for itselfin no time.
Why? How much will the scheme cost?

Big_Spark said:
The only hold up is bleeding heart liberals and those with something to hide or the clinically paranoid :D
Interesting - how exactly are these people, of whom you write, holding up anything just by expression of their opinions?

Big_Spark said:
Big brother is coming regardless, much is already here, so why not force the Government to do it on OUR terms and in a way that benefits us.
This is naive beyond belief.
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paulbrown said:
Where did I mention anything racist?
Accusing me of racism, when there was none, is not an answer, only a cop out.
Yet another forum member who appears to get ultra-defensive when there's the slightest hint of being accused of racism. Historically, on this forum, only people with racist views care two hoots whether or not they're labelled in this way - the defensiveness seems to go with the racist mindset.

paulbrown said:
Kinnock being involved in that outfit says it all really.
What's your problem with [Neil] Kinnock? Gingerness? Baldness? Welshness? Being a highly respected statesman and politician with a wealth of experience? Or are you just prejudiced against his views?
i for one dont mind the racist comment as i dont agree the word even exists in the real world :LOL:

made up to suit some limp wristed fools but hey who cares

all i know is i prefer to be called a racist than an ill informed idiot who knows nothing of the real trouble on the streets that illegal refugees are causing

Slogger said:
i for one dont mind the racist comment as i dont agree the word even exists in the real world :LOL:

But you just used it, so which world do you live in?
Softus said:
What's your problem with [Neil] Kinnock? Gingerness? Baldness? Welshness? Being a highly respected statesman and politician with a wealth of experience? Or are you just prejudiced against his views?

? whom?? He's never been elected, he's been accused of gross misconduct in Europe, he's guilty of nepotism....the list goes on
Softus said:
paulbrown said:
Where did I mention anything racist?
Accusing me of racism, when there was none, is not an answer, only a cop out.
Yet another forum member who appears to get ultra-defensive when there's the slightest hint of being accused of racism. Historically, on this forum, only people with racist views care two hoots whether or not they're labelled in this way - the defensiveness seems to go with the racist mindset.

paulbrown said:
Kinnock being involved in that outfit says it all really.
What's your problem with [Neil] Kinnock? Gingerness? Baldness? Welshness? Being a highly respected statesman and politician with a wealth of experience? Or are you just prejudiced against his views?

Just to set the record straight softus, it was not a slight accusation of racism, it was a blatant lie. After my complaining the comment (along with my complaint) was removed by the Mod's. Likewise the offensive remark of SCUM laballed at slogger was removed too.

Neil Kinnocks hair or where he is from has nothing to do with it. I just find him an odd person to be involved in an organisation which is commenting on financial issues, given his past record on these issues within the EU.

In no way would you use an accountant, with his (alleged)financial management record, to handle your company accounts.

Now I have answered you do me the decency to tell me where I was racist in this comment?

Lets be generous with this guess and call it the lower figure of 310,000.
Lets be even more generous and assume they are all married even though we know most aren't.

So we will assume we have 155,000 married couples, who could stay until they retire.

Basic state pension, excluding any other benefits, is £131-20 per week for a couple.
So £131.20X52 weeks is £6822-40 PA,per couple.

To be honest my calculator is now struggling with the size of the figures, but 6822-40X155000 comes out at 10574720.

Is there any allowance for these costs in your figures?

You will note this is only one cost, if as you say these people are low paid they will probably get pension credit which may well pay their rent. If they have any health problems they will get attendance allowance of at least circa £40 a week.

Sorry BAS, I agree with you regarding the dubious benefits of having ID cards, but unfortuately I can't say the same on your other points, certainly not on the figures as presented, anyway.

Where did your figures come from BAS?

This post was true, innoffensive, polite, in no way was it remotely racist. By agreeing with BAS you are defending the indefensible and showing your true colours.
I have given my view on these cards they are nothing to do with Law an Order but a pure stealth tax ...
everyone has to have one an at the B'lair launch they said in the cost £200 of the fee was going to the Govt as admin costs ...
on launch day the isometric cards were hakkored within 30 mins


Page 6 has been removed - personal argument and insult exchanges. The thread has not been locked to allow ALL to discuss this topic further if they wish.
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