I'm going to let your tyres down

It is a form of envy slagging off what others drive and thats a fact.

I've seen it at work "i'd never buy a car like that" then at another time you hear them brag
about what someone they know has bought often a nice, big car.

Parasites will often slag off 4x4 drivers just because they can't afford a proper 4x4 and I'm not talking re ****, jacked-up bottom end cars.

You can spot them a mile off they can't hide their envy and post abuse, absurd comments just because they can't afford a puka 4x4.

What clowns forget is all pika 4x4 cost well over 40k where you pay additional road taxes, often use more fule, the servicings is often more expensive as are the tyres etc as is often the insurance etc and therefore contribute more to the economy.

Then you get the other clowns buy an olde car that they can ill afford to run keep road legal and slag off the car as "too expensive to repair, not good.." but the bottom line is they want the proper/puka 4x4 big car but lack the brain cells to work hard, earn a decent wage, spend and save wisely and try not to run before you can walk, lol.

It has become clear why you joined this forum.
Obviously haven't got a proper job or you wouldn't be posting with the frequency you do, and post after post is about your important sources and how big your income/fleet of large cars/fuel tanks/house /ego is, and now you're using that to take the p out of others.

You've evidently had your silly flouncy cocksure flamboyant "signature" trimmed, it's about time you took the hint.
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It looks like the confusion is contagious. :rolleyes:
Whoops. My bad. I though the post was aimed at The Humanitarian. You're just a regular ****, not the extra tedious one. I was getting my ****s mixed up. :sneaky:
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Insulate Britain are scum. There's nothing wrong with what they want, but their methods of protesting make them scum.
How do you suggest they get their point over when the politicians turn a blind eye/deaf ear because of the dosh they are being back handed!

So I guess given your stance you would have condemned the suffragettes as 'scum' because of their use of direct action?
How do you suggest they get their point over when the politicians turn a blind eye/deaf ear because of the dosh they are being back handed!
By conventional demonstration and democracy. Vote them out.

So I guess given your stance you would have condemned the suffragettes as 'scum' because of their use of direct action?
To some degree, yes. I don't agree with the smashing windows, bombing, setting fire to letter boxes etc as a method of attempting to promote a cause, no matter how righteous.

Ironically, it was not the disruptive actions of the suffragettes that furthered their cause, it was women taking on men's jobs and roles when the men went off to fight that furthered their cause and won them the right to vote.
Btw, if I was protesting with this lot, I'd chain myself to number ten's gates, then the houses of parliament and then other relevant government buildings whilst trying to inusre min impact on the taxpayers who fund the clowns in gov.
In Bristol our useless council spends a fortune on small areas of the roads with spanking new traffic calming, bike lanes, red coloured tarmac, bollards, etc, etc - but neglect the rest of the roads which are full of pot holes. We're paying more taxes, but getting worse roads.
On this (driving freedoms) I've said before I'm pleased to be the age I am. Been driving for 30 odd years so I've had my share of being able to drive where I want, when I want, in the vehicle I want, at a reasonable speed. All of that is being slowly eroded as part of the green agenda. Btw I'm not anti saving the planet, I can see logic in some of the measures.

However, I suspect the longer term strategy will be to discourage single home vehicle ownership and push people towards public transport. I reckon I've got ~25 years driving left in me, so hopefully I'll be able to continue much as I am before the aforementioned starts to significantly kick in.

Tbh I don't care if folk think of me as selfish. I have no inclination to make the transition to public transport and all the inconveniences it can bring. For info, I'm not in a city where public transport tends to be better in terms of frequency, cost etc.

If I owned a car like they are attacking and I happened upon one letting my tires down and I happened to be wearing my boot at the time then they would soon feel the painful end of my boots up their derrière.

All the crap about "it's the responsibility of the driver to check all their tires before setting off etc." well it's their responsibility to stop being so damn hypocritical.
On this (driving freedoms) I've said before I'm pleased to be the age I am. Been driving for 30 odd years so I've had my share of being able to drive where I want, when I want, in the vehicle I want, at a reasonable speed. All of that is being slowly eroded as part of the green agenda. Btw I'm not anti saving the planet, I can see logic in some of the measures.

However, I suspect the longer term strategy will be to discourage single home vehicle ownership and push people towards public transport. I reckon I've got ~25 years driving left in me, so hopefully I'll be able to continue much as I am before the aforementioned starts to significantly kick in.

Tbh I don't care if folk think of me as selfish. I have no inclination to make the transition to public transport and all the inconveniences it can bring. For info, I'm not in a city where public transport tends to be better in terms of frequency, cost etc.


Agree. I will always have a car, but would use public transport if it was cheaper and more regular. One thing about former soviet countries is when the Ruskies withdrew 30 odd years ago, they bequethed their former empire first class transport systems. When I go to Czech Republic, if you miss a metro, tram or bus, it's no problem because another will be along in 5 mins - even in smaller towns and cities. And it's cheap. In Bristol, miss a bus and you could be waiting 45 mins or more for another out of peak times and it's min 2 quid for a short journey. Just not practical.
Agree. I will always have a car, but would use public transport if it was cheaper and more regular. One thing about former soviet countries is when the Ruskies withdrew 30 odd years ago, they bequethed their former empire first class transport systems. When I go to Czech Republic, if you miss a metro, tram or bus, it's no problem because another will be along in 5 mins - even in smaller towns and cities. And it's cheap. In Bristol, miss a bus and you could be waiting 45 mins or more for another out of peak times and it's min 2 quid for a short journey. Just not practical.
Yeah, for me the 'door to door' convenience isn't something I'd happily give up, especially as the years roll by! I suppose in some ways it is selfish, I'm happy to admit it, however I much prefer the convenience of jumping in the car and going from a to b. On a day off I can pop round to see a mate, then pop round to see old mum, maybe then pop to the retail park to buy something at B&Q (without worrying how easy it will be to get it on a bus!), then pop by to see another mate before heading home. That can all be done in a few hours, door to door to door. Would such a day be possible on public transport? Nope.

I understand that, for some, public transport is either their preferred or only transport option. Fine. However if I can drive somewhere, I do.
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