Imagine A World Without Religion

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Bit of a strange analogy, however I liken this to when people say guns don't kill people, it's people who kill people.

It can probably be argued that religion in and of itself isn't dangerous, it's the way people interpret (or misinterpret) it that leads to issues, especially given we're in 2024 and not 424.

However, if religion did cease to exist in all its forms, humankind would simply find another reason to keep on arguing and fighting. We can't help ourselves.
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They tried going without the "opium of the masses" in Russia.

The people soon had withdrawal symptoms.
Nationalism, tribalism, communism, capitalism, western values imposed on other societies, etc.
Would it be better?

Or worse?
We live in a world without religion, at least in this country, I cant think of any significant religious based or influenced political decisions in the last 40 years. It’s why we’re soon going to be able to kill people whose relatives want to get their hands on the money sooner rather than later
Plenty of examples of people in this forum trying to take bites out of each other. It's just immature fight/flight behaviour. Religion's just an excuse.
As soon as you realise that any form of 'religion' (whether that be a belief in an imaginary friend(s), or a political/financial belief) is simply a way to control you then the world becomes a clearer place...

Overcoming those controls is of course a big (impossible?) task!

Ironically the original ideals of the first Kibbutz in Palestine despite it's obvious religion connection, was intended to be a non secular commune...

Where everyone was to be treated as equals, regardless of religious beliefs.

However the original ideals have been taken over by the 'religions' of capitalism/extremist politics/militarisation/expansionism!
I understand Putin reinstated it. ;) No evil theories as to why.
I think he did it when Russia was trying to find its feet after the collapse of the Berlin wall in '89 and their empire in '91. Yeltsin was a patsy for the West and the rise of Oligarchs throughout Russia was draining the economy to fill the treasuries in Western Europe and America - Putin came to power and looked back to the beginnings of Empire during the 18th century, and modelled his revised constitution on the Tsar's close ties with the Orthodox Church as a means of establishing his power.
His revision of Stalin's legacy is a modern interpretation of the widest expansion of that Empire which people can relate to easily. It's become a curious mix of Imperial Monarchy and Communist Tyranny, glossed over with his version of Western style Democracy.
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