Imagine A World Without Religion

I know that I would like the option to be put out of my misery.

My Gran put it well:

"If an animal was in misery and pain, it would be put down. Why do humans in a similar position have to suffer?"

Because keeping a person alive despite their misery is a lucrative business...

At the other end of the life span equation, courts rule that doctors can end the lives of children even when parents might disagree...

Because as opposed to being a money maker, that is deemed a drain on resources over time ;)
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I know that I would like the option to be put out of my misery.

My Gran put it well:

"If an animal was in misery and pain, it would be put down. Why do humans in a similar position have to suffer?"
Animals are incredibly good at dealing with pain and the seriousness of their illness is not spotted until its too late. Humans are often in pain and misery months or years before death. The proposals before parliament don't go anywhere near that far. Suicide is an option in pretty much of all of these cases but because it is still a huge taboo, people want the state to do it. Nothing to do with religion
Animals are incredibly good at dealing with pain and the seriousness of their illness is not spotted until its too late. Humans are often in pain and misery months or years before death. The proposals before parliament don't go anywhere near that far. Suicide is an option in pretty much of all of these cases but because it is still a huge taboo, people want the state to do it. Nothing to do with religion
The Catholic Church holds life to be sacred and suicide a sin, casting the soul into Hell. This proscription still holds true despite religious belief declining across the Western world. How many people linger in a coma while their relatives hope they'll recover?
I know that I would like the option to be put out of my misery.

My Gran put it well:

"If an animal was in misery and pain, it would be put down. Why do humans in a similar position have to suffer?"
Thats all very nice.
The laws against assisted sucide aren't there to make people suffer, they are there to to prevent vulnerable people being murdered because they are a burden or have money and assets.

All the guff that any new law legalising assisted suicide will be strictly controlled and only allowed in exceptional circumstances, is nonsense.
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The Catholic Church holds life to be sacred and suicide a sin, casting the soul into Hell. This proscription still holds true despite religious belief declining across the Western world. How many people linger in a coma while their relatives hope they'll recover?
Roman Catholic church.
A case of too much religion and not enough Christianity.
As soon as you realise that any form of 'religion' (whether that be a belief in an imaginary friend(s), or a political/financial belief) is simply a way to control you then the world becomes a clearer place...

Overcoming those controls is of course a big (impossible?) task!

Ironically the original ideals of the first Kibbutz in Palestine despite it's obvious religion connection, was intended to be a non secular commune...

Where everyone was to be treated as equals, regardless of religious beliefs.

However the original ideals have been taken over by the 'religions' of capitalism/extremist politics/militarisation/expansionism!
Did you mean secular?
Roman Catholic church.
A case of too much religion and not enough Christianity.
"All pomp and no circumstance" a guy once said. Used to chat in a forum themed on mythology and religion, which could get pretty lively. He'd rail against Pauline Christianity on any given Sunday, and knew his subject well. Guy who moderated, 'Soph', lectured at SoCal, which kept his wildest assertions in check, but much of it was pertinent to the early development of the Church in Rome.
Is it?

Or is it putting controls in place to stop that.
They said the same about abortion .
When first legalised , it was a case of, don't worry, it will be very strictly controlled.
Today, abortion is just another form of birth control, women can go to a chemist and get an abortion pill to take at home.
Did you mean secular?
It depends on what spell checker is in operation, thus the confusion...

But thank you for pointing it out.

France is a good example of separating the state from any particular religion in various areas, particularly in education
They said the same about abortion .
When first legalised , it was a case of, don't worry, it will be very strictly controlled.
Today, abortion is just another form of birth control, women can go to a chemist and get an abortion pill to take at home.
It's called a 'morning after' pill rather than the weeks before choice...

And what is wrong with that option?

Unless of course you object to women having control of their own bodies?
We live in a world without religion, at least in this country, I cant think of any significant religious based or influenced political decisions in the last 40 years.
There are 26 Bishops and Arch Bishops in the House of Lords having a direct influence on UK laws.
Sittings in Both H of P begin with prayer.
At the other end of the life span equation, courts rule that doctors can end the lives of children even when parents might disagree...
There is definite difference between withdrawing life support, and ending a life that can exist without that support.
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