The rest of my life. Crack on, I'll wait...
First of all, a history lesson.
For the last thirty years or more America, and all of the rest of the Western world has been in decline as jobs and manufacturing emigrated to the cheap labour in China.
That happened under the Bushes, Clinton and Obama and it's what you might call a managed decline.
All the while it was happening the politicians (both sides) and the lobbyists in Washington and London were all getting very rich, as well as the financial institutions on Wall St and in the city, but America was being raped.
Trump was a man with a billionaire lifestyle, a man who was in his late sixties and who loves to play golf, and a man who happened to own probably the finest collection of golf courses all around the world that any one man has ever owned.
But he saw what was being done to his country and said **** that.
He went into politics and told the American people that he would fight for them, that he would put America first, and make America great again.
He has been the only Western politician to stand up to the Chinese Communist Party, and he's brought jobs and factories back to the States.
He has done many other things also, in fact he is the only politician ever who has kept all his campaign promises.
He hasn't started any wars, unlike all of his predecessors, he has fought like hell to bring all of the American troops back home, while also spending the money needed to rebuild the American military to a position of strength.
But doing all of that cut the swamp off from their oxygen and they have hated Trump since he first ran.
All of the mainstream media are controlled by globalists, and they have vilified that man for almost five years now with lies and exaggerations, and anything that would put him in a bad light.
A very good tell is this: The woman he is married to is a beautiful woman by anyone's standards, and she is the first lady of the United States.
She has not appeared on the front cover of any leading fashion magazine during Trumps presidency, not once.
Because they will not do anything that might legitimise the Trumps in the eyes of the public.
Even so, with all of the lies Trump still won the election by a huge landslide,, because as I said, the American people love him.
If you want me to detail the overwhelming evidence of the fraud, none of which has ever been looked at by any court, I will, but it will take forever to go through it all.
Probably be a lot quicker if you stop listening to he lies of the mainstream media and look for yourself.
Parler and Rumble would be goood places to tart