Poor sooey

With all good wishes for an early recovery.
Yes, I know it's all very fantastical.
Nevertheless it's true, you'll see.
There is actually murder going on in Italy right now I believe, which may lead to the fall of the government there because of their involvement in this.
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All of the mainstream media are controlled by globalists, and they have vilified that man for almost five years now with lies and exaggerations, and anything that would put him in a bad light.

You claim you have never heard of Murdoch, or Fox "News?"
evidence of the fraud, none of which has ever been looked at by any court

The Trumpists have had every opportunity to present evidence to numerous courts.

As you know.

They have repeatedly failed.

Made-up lies, rumours and fantasies are not evidence.
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Fox news were the news outlet most trusted by Republicans. They ain't trusted by them no more.
They were the ones who stuck the dagger in on election night by calling Arizona for Biden ridiculously early, to try to suppress the Trump vote in other parts of the country where the polling stations were still open, they immediately lost about half of their audience.
There are some good people on Fox, like Tucker Carlson, Lou Dobbs and others, but the Fox News team is scum and they will never get that audience back.
Fox news were the news outlet most trusted by Republicans

You claimed:

All of the mainstream media are controlled by globalists, and they have vilified that man for almost five years now with lies and exaggerations, and anything that would put him in a bad light.

Not true.
The Trumpists have had every opportunity to present evidence to numerous courts.

As you know.

They have repeatedly failed.

Made-up lies, rumours and fantasies are not evidence.
This one post shows you that you know nothing.
The Trumpists as you call them have not been given an opportunity to present evidence to any court, not one.
Every single court has ducked the issue on procedural grounds without listening to a single witness, or looking at any of the other evidence.
There are over a thousand people, honest Democrats as well as Republicans who have given sworn affidavits to lawyers detailing the fraudulent goings on that they witnessed.
They are signed under penalty of perjury which carries a five year prison term in America, so they are not given lightly.
Not one of those people has been able to give testimony in a court.
If you had a clue you would know that.
The courts, like everything else in the States, are completely corrupted.
What strange claims.

Complaining about Fox News being anti-Trump; now even they have got fed up with him.

Lou Dobbs - a good person ???

Trump has told more lies than anyone else - probably ever.
What strange claims.

Complaining about Fox News being anti-Trump; now even they have got fed up with him.

Lou Dobbs - a good person ???

Trump has told more lies than anyone else - probably ever.
Unless you are prepared to actually look for yourself, behind the lies that you have been getting from the mainstream media for god only knows how long, it's hard to argue with you.
Believe me, virtually everything we think we know about the world is filtered through their lies and propaganda, that is all it is.
But there is what they call a great awakening happening, people all over the world are starting to realise the extent of the swamp, and starting to realise how much they have been lied to.
Twitter has just banned the president of the United States from their platform tonight, he had eighty odd million followers.
They have also just banned the 'walk away group' they are ex democrats who have walked away from that party over to Trump, and had half a million followers who had all put up their testimonies of why they did it.
They've also banned Sidney Powell and GeneraL Flynn today, and they are banning everyone who wants to talk about the fraudulent election.
There is no free speech left.
F*cking WAKE UP!
sooey, unless you are prepared to actually look for yourself, behind the lies that you have been getting from the crackpot nutter right-wing extremists sources for god only knows how long, it's hard to argue with you.

You have lost your grip on reality.

Get well soon.

Trumps lawyer Rudy Giulliani the ex mayor of New York (forget that sh*te about Baren Cohen) does a podcast on Wednesdays and Fridays called
He goes through all of the evidence of election fraud that has come to light in fine detail, and if you look through his last few podcasts it is all laid out there. None of it has been seen in court as I've said.
He doesn't talk too much about the fraud in the Dominion voting machines, that is being handled by others while he seems to be concentrating on the human aspects.
The point is this though, for how long after the election were the mainstream media telling us that there was no evidence of fraud?
There is mountains of it, Sidney Powell said it was coming in through a fire hose, they were lying through their teeth.
sooey, unless you are prepared to actually look for yourself, behind the lies that you have been getting from the crackpot nutter right-wing extremists sources for god only knows how long, it's hard to argue with you.

You have lost your grip on reality.

Get well soon.

Baaaa Baaaa

The nutter who called for "trial by combat" leading to five deaths.
JohnD, I demonstrated in post thirty seven that you do not know what you are talking about.
Why continue to argue on a subject about which you have no clue, just to make yourself look right?
Why not go and educate yourself first, so that you don't end looking like the f*cking idiot that you are?
For anyone who has been reading these posts and wants to find out for themselves the extent of the lies that we have all been living under.
That is becoming more and more difficult by the day.
Parler the 'free speech' platform has just been removed from the Google play store and they have had a 24 hour ultimatum from the apple store that unless they start censoring content, they will be removed from that as well.
Big Tech is out of control and no one is allowed to say that there was election fraud on their platforms or they are banned, they want to make Parler do the same.
That is because they are sh*t scared of what will happen if people know the truth.
It is truly communistic, we ALL need to f*cking WAKE UP.
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