What strange claims.
Complaining about Fox News being anti-Trump; now even they have got fed up with him.
Lou Dobbs - a good person ???
Trump has told more lies than anyone else - probably ever.
Unless you are prepared to actually look for yourself, behind the lies that you have been getting from the mainstream media for god only knows how long, it's hard to argue with you.
Believe me, virtually everything we think we know about the world is filtered through their lies and propaganda, that is all it is.
But there is what they call a great awakening happening, people all over the world are starting to realise the extent of the swamp, and starting to realise how much they have been lied to.
Twitter has just banned the president of the United States from their platform tonight, he had eighty odd million followers.
They have also just banned the 'walk away group' they are ex democrats who have walked away from that party over to Trump, and had half a million followers who had all put up their testimonies of why they did it.
They've also banned Sidney Powell and GeneraL Flynn today, and they are banning everyone who wants to talk about the fraudulent election.
There is no free speech left.
F*cking WAKE UP!