Inflation finally improves

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Yeah, if it goes any lower, that’ll affect this years triple lock…….
High interest rates (a result of inflation) are a well used ploy, to makes working people's lives miserable. It deliberately sets out to make folk poorer by design. The consequences are dire for those whose weekly budget is already tight.
But it works - so that's ok.

7.9% inflation is nothing to celebrate.
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What rate of inflation would you like?
Good question. I don't know what the ideal rate is, but one that doesn't force the BoE to hike interest rates.

I'd like to see interest rates lower for sure, even though I'm mortgage free and a saver. Higher interest rates affected my business, especially at the end of 2022. Luckily, a lot of hard work , loyalty and diligence has paid off this year, so I'm in a much better position going forward.
inflation was largely caused by built up demand from the covid years.

The best way to tackle inflation is for people to consume less of the products that are inflating. Not add to the costs by increasing labour costs.

We had 15 years of savers subsiding borrowers. Those years were not the norm.
inflation was largely caused by built up demand from the covid years.

The best way to tackle inflation is for people to consume less of the products that are inflating. Not add to the costs by increasing labour costs.

We had 15 years of savers subsiding borrowers. Those years were not the norm.

It's not so simple, there was also supply constraints - lest you forget the shortages of semi conductors.

When the economy opened up money was chasing too few products causing demand pull inflation but this quickly worked its way into house prices.

Its simplistic and wrong to say to consume less when core inflation is rising food prices - people should just stop eating?

Blaming inflation on the consumers and not the Government who has way more control over it.

Post the financial crisis instead of taking the opportunity to solve the endemic problems we bailed out the bankers with low interest rates.

The UK economy is in poor shape because of low productivity and hamstringing yourself with Brexit. Pouring misery ontop of poor economic management.
Good question. I don't know what the ideal rate is, but one that doesn't force the BoE to hike interest rates.

I'd like to see interest rates lower for sure, even though I'm mortgage free and a saver. Higher interest rates affected my business, especially at the end of 2022. Luckily, a lot of hard work , loyalty and diligence has paid off this year, so I'm in a much better position going forward.

The problem we have is the poor management of the UK economy. The only way the tories could keep the economy going was through cheap money, this cheap money has settled into rising house prices - the money didnt go to creating new busineses and investment in public infrastructure, NHS, Schools etc.
how do you explain other countries high inflation? Some of which are in recession. Germany for example.
how do you explain other countries high inflation? Some of which are in recession. Germany for example.

UK inflation, as measured by the CPI, was 7.9% in the year to June, down from 8.7% in the year to May. UK inflation peaked at 11.1% in October 2022.

EU inflation was 6.4% in June, down from 7.1% in May, In June 2022, EU inflation was 9.6%.

Inflation in the Eurozone was 5.5% in June, down from 6.1% in May. Eurozone inflation was 8.6% in June 2022.

In Germany, inflation was 6.8% in June, up from 6.3% in May.

Now to the important point - over what timescale do you want to discuss this.

I will let you pick it.
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