Why oh why do certain people continually persist in throwing insulting comments at people who just happen to have a different view of their own ?.
Most common insulters are plumbers .
I know it is tough for them right now now we have E European Plumbers coming over and charging much less for the work. But- that is competition and allowed in Eurpean Union.
However it is the same minority who continually insult and offend dcent posters every time a post is posted that just not happen to agreewith their views.
Live and let live I say .. And please refrain from insults .
We all need to make a living --lets all pull together .
Most common insulters are plumbers .
I know it is tough for them right now now we have E European Plumbers coming over and charging much less for the work. But- that is competition and allowed in Eurpean Union.
However it is the same minority who continually insult and offend dcent posters every time a post is posted that just not happen to agreewith their views.
Live and let live I say .. And please refrain from insults .
We all need to make a living --lets all pull together .