Ironic traffic police

And then you read the review in the latest Car of the Bugatti Veyron where they complained that no sooner had they got it up to full tilt than they had to haul on the anchors because of some slowcoach flat out in a 155mph limited BMW or Merc in front of them...
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When I was a killer commando =a T A PTE Milan Sec on EX on the Lionheart one many , many YEARS ago

we didnt know that the autobahn, so we took it as we was late to the operation field ... (I could of joined up I was SOOOOO into MILT/REGT life )

well we me, charlie#1 an Mooey (as in the old "Scully" progs , a scouse lad great but a bit thick )

well we took the autobahn to get to the MOD land to catch up ..
In the UK the MOD they have restrictors on the engines for fleets ,30 ...

We were ok we were doing 30 an 40 in the slow lane ....til some US TRANSPORTERS WERE BEHIND US ....

we kept waving them on .. till they did an the the last trucks had us at 3mph
charley said , NO we better wait for RESCUE

mooey got one on him , we slid out in the landie ...

he then just went "MENTAL"

30mph restictors were never on BFOTR landies ..

Well we had charley throwing up every where .....

I was gulping back /orrible .. til we came to a road spot , it was they Mooey left charley as dying ,(badlad /regd)an we needed a fast transport , ...

we endended up in a 1954 WILLYS jeep ...... no /clics .. lol an to see the m was a KILLER..
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I would love to have a higher speed limit on the motorway. However, I really don't think it is a good idea for 2 simple reasons:

1) There are many people in this country who appear to believe speed limit signs include an offset of -10 (i.e. they drive at 40 in a 30, 50 in a 40 etc). So, a speed limit of 80 would mean people would actually drive at 90-100.

2) Our traffic is far too dense, and people don't appreciate correct inter-vehicular distances with our 70mph limit as it is. Ever tried to keep a 2-second or even 1-second gap on the M25? Some bu**er jumps into it within seconds... I've even had the car behind pull in, undertake, then cut into my gap. Many people would drive just as close at 90mph. We would see an increase in rear-end shunts on the motorways.

If everyone in the UK was a conscientious driver who maintained a 2-second distance from the car in front, and never exceeded the speed limit, then it would be great. But unfortunately we have far too many idiots on the road.

We need to get w*nkers off the roads and leave it clearer for those of us who make the effort to drive properly. THEN we can raise it to 80, 90, 100, remove it even, without running the risk of a repman parking his car in your boot the instant you lift your foot off the throttle.
AdamW said:
1) There are many people in this country who appear to believe speed limit signs include an offset of -10 (i.e. they drive at 40 in a 30, 50 in a 40 etc). So, a speed limit of 80 would mean people would actually drive at 90-100.
That's true. And there are also those who seem to think that some law of average applies - derestricted country road, fool in front bumbling along at 45mph, come to a village with a 30mph limit, and they just blindly carry on at 45mph. I slow down, and then not far out of the village, back up to 60, find them still bumbling along at 45mph. (When I used to have a 2-compressor, 5-trumpet airhorn and nearly 1000W of lighting on the front of the car I could usually persuade them to move over though. :evil:)

The serious answer is a better use of technology to have variable speed limits that are realistic, so that people respect them more, and better enforcement as the quid pro quo. You talk about an 80mph limit - there are times when the limit could be twice that.

2) Our traffic is far too dense, and people don't appreciate correct inter-vehicular distances with our 70mph limit as it is. Ever tried to keep a 2-second or even 1-second gap on the M25? Some bu**er jumps into it within seconds... I've even had the car behind pull in, undertake, then cut into my gap. Many people would drive just as close at 90mph. We would see an increase in rear-end shunts on the motorways.
My #1 bugbear. It is also instructive to work out the gap in slower traffic needed for someone to pull into to allow faster traffic to pass without them being forced to slow down or drive too close.

For once our bizarre distance measures make life easy - 1mph is within 2.2% of 0.5 yards per second, so for practical purposes, a 2 second gap is 1 yard for every mph.

Say for argument's sake you are doing 80mph in the RH lane, the traffic on your left is doing 60mph, and the guy behind you wants to do 90mph. If you do the sums, you'll find that if you are not to be made to drive too close to the person in front of you, or the driver behind too close to you, or you to be made to slow down, you need a gap in the traffic on your left of 380 yards to be able to pull over - nearly ¼ of a mile.

That's the system I work to, and if you come up behind me, and there isn't a big enough gap to the left, I won't move over.

BTW - yes, I do maintain a 2 second gap (3 if it's raining) on the M25, and all motorways - at least in front of me, but there's not much I can do about the person behind me. Except brake firmly if someone pulls in front of me and I need to get the gap back to 2 or 3 seconds.
Oh god, the "I drive everywhere at 45mph" school of motoring :LOL: I see that one quite frequently. They usually belong to the "my car is propelled by an ion drive" group too, in other words they accelerate so slowly you aren't sure if they're pulling away in 5th gear... but after 2 or 3 miles of this steady acceleration they are speeding. :LOL:
I read once that Harry Mundy, one of the Jaguar V12 engine designers, had a party trick to demonstrate what a great engine it was.

He would use a manual car, put it into top gear, foot off the clutch, accelerator pedal all the way to the floor, and then start the engine.

Apparently it would start, and with no complaints or snatch or jerkiness, pull from rest to 140+ mph in 5th gear with the throttle wide open all the way...
another problem with raising the limit is a lot of our roads are designed for a certain speed ie bends, gradient of roads, positioning of signs etc. Big cost to change it all
And many of those speeds were set when cars had leaf springs, drum brakes and crossply tyres...

I'm not saying that we could automagically have higher speed limits everywhere, but there are many places that we could have them at times, and at some of those times of day/times of year/weather conditions, motorway limits could be a great deal higher.

We could also usefully adopt the French practice of an automatic lowering of the motorway speed limit when it is raining.

The basic problem is that so many people regularly encounter speed limits that are patently ridiculous that they lose respect for the whole lot.
And many of those speeds were set when cars had leaf springs, drum brakes and crossply tyres

Wasn't it decided because that was about the maximum speed that you could reliably attain in most family saloons of the day?

On Sunday I saw a great many classic cars on the M25. A 1960s E-type Jaguar was one such car, and despite being a fast car even by today's standards (top speed at least) the driver seemed perfectly content plodding along at 60. Perhaps he was saving petrol, I guess 5-star petrol isn't that easy to get hold of anymore (although I read that the limited quantities of leaded-petrol do have a 5-star octane rating)

To me, this suggests there wouldn't be a sudden increase in the number of 1960s era vehicles slithering up motorway embankments if the 1960s speed limit was raised :D
best rule is no rule if your out for a blast with your m8s then make your number plate mucky or take it off its a £ 30 fine no points

180 mph = :LOL:

rules there are way way too many now its time to do what i want when i want if i get caught there are excuses but who would stop ? no one i know would pull over for plod we see the roads as a playground and plod as the teacher

yeeha maw 12 bikers doing a starburst who gets the chase they can only go after one so much fun

ps PIG BAITING is its name try it you might like it

no plods where harmed in the making of this film

pps you need an old tranny ( no moz sorry ) transit parked so you can ride into

ppps vids are available to view :LOL:
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